Sept. 1, 2020

Congratulations to our MFA students

Colleen Smith, Bryan Faubert and Jaime Dick successfully defended their thesis.

On August 31, MFA student Colleen Smith successfully defended her thesis Excised Internals.
Our heartiest congratulations go to Colleen and supervisor Jean-Rene Leblanc, co-supervisor Jennifer Eiserman, and our thanks to examiners Tia Halliday, Mireille Perron, Lisa Lipton and Dona Schwartz (Neutral Chair). Congratulations!

On September 1, MFA student Bryan Faubert successfully defended his thesis Walking the Line: Betwixt [In]Between.
Our heartiest congratulations go to Bryan and supervisor Jennifer Eiserman, co-supervisor Jean-Rene Leblanc, and our thanks to examiners Ryan Doherty and Dick Averns and Jim Parker (Neutral Chair). Congratulations!


On September 2, MFA student Jaime Dick successfully defended her thesis Spurious Bodies.
Our heartiest congratulations go to Jaime and her supervisor Rob Furr,  and our thanks to examiners Heather Leier, Jennifer Eiserman,  and Jean-Rene Leblanc (Neutral Chair). Congratulations!