April 11, 2023

My First Professional Exhibition, 2023-2024 Award

Apply before May 15 to be eligible to receive this annual award

My First Professional Exhibition, 2023-2024 Award

This annual award has been established by Drs. George and Susannah Kurian to enable a graduating BFA (VIST) student to produce a solo exhibition in a professional gallery or institution.

The award allows students to gain knowledge of exhibiting their own work and can be used to cover expenses associated with producing work, gallery rental, catalog production, promotion, and other expenses appropriate for mounting their exhibition.

2023-24 Award: One individual $3,100 award

Eligibility: To be eligible to receive this award, students must have completed a BFA Visual Studies degree, and have graduated in November 2022 or be graduating in June 2023.

Deadline: 4 p.m. Monday, May 15, 2023 by e-mail submission


Application Process


  1. Complete contact information including name, UCID, email and phone number. Be sure to include email used after graduation (if not the @ucalgary.ca email).
  2. A one page (maximum 500 word) artist statement outlining your visual art practice, introducing the theme, content, processes, and possible influences.
  3. A one page (maximum 500 word) statement proposing the exhibition you would like to mount.
  4. An email attachment with up to ten images of work created in the past year, of which 5 can be details or alternate views of sculptural/installation work.
    1. Please submit images in jpeg format (files must have a .jpeg extension)
    2. image size should be approximately 1024 x 768 with a maximum of 300 dpi.
    3. File names of images should include your last name and the title of work - i.e., 01smith_ravensrequest.jpeg)
    4. If you are showing time-based works, please submit through Vimeo or Youtube url. If password-protected, please include the credentials required to access video (no longer than 15 minutes in length).
    5. Include a list that corresponds to your submitted images, providing the title, medium, size and date.
    6. The names and contact information
  5. The names and contact information of two references that may be contacted for further information.
  6. A curriculum vitae (maximum one page) outlining your awards, exhibitions, achievements, and related employment.


Deadline for applications is 4 p.m. Monday, May 15, 2023.

All requested materials must be complete and submitted to the Department of Art and Art History through email at artdept@ucalgary.ca The review committee will be comprised of members of the Department of Art and Art History. Please clearly add ‘My First Professional Exhibition’, your name and UCID to your email subject as well as the body of the email (e.g. Subject: My First Professional Exhibition application – FULL NAME, UCID).

All applicants will be notified of the results by email. The successful candidate must complete their exhibition by February 15, 2024.

Download PDF invitation