Abstract submission guidelines 摘要提交说明
The conference focuses on Chinese second language teacher education and professional development. Major themes include, but not limited to:
- theoretical issues 理论问题
- research methods 研究方法
- action research 行动研究
- classroom research 课堂研究
- teacher education and second language acquisition 教师教育与第二语言习得
- teacher education and applied linguistics 教师教育与应用语言学
- teacher cognition 教师认知 (teacher reflection 教师反思、teacher knowledge 教师知识、teacher beliefs 教师信念)
- teacher behaviors 教师行为
- teacher identify 教师身份认同
- novice or established teacher experiences 新手或熟手教师经历
- professional standards of Chinese language teachers 汉语教师职业标准
- curriculum and material development 课程及材料开发
- designs, standards and evaluations of professional development programs 教师专业发展项目设计、标准及评估
- classroom practice 课堂实践
- technology and teacher education 技术与教师教育
- teaching practicum 教学实习
- Chinese language teacher supervision and mentoring 汉语教师指导
- social and contextual factors affecting Chinese L2 teacher education 社会及环境因素
Proposals are encouraged from professors, researchers, teachers, graduate students, program administrators committed to scholarly and pedagogical inquiry into aspects of Chinese L2 teacher education and development. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words in English or 500 characters in Chinese. Abstracts will be evaluated by an adjudication committee.
Important dates:
Abstract Submission: June 31, 2022
The best graduate student paper
The conference will select the best graduate student paper. Applicants must be enrolled in a university Master’s or Ph.D. program in a Canadian institution on a full-time basis. In addition to submitting an abstract by the due day, applicants submit their full paper and arrange for their thesis supervisor to email a letter of recommendation confirming their current enrolment status by July 10. The full paper and letter of recommendation should be sent to Dr. Wei Cai at wcai@ucalgary.ca
The same adjudication committee will choose the best paper among all graduate student submissions. The conference will provide travel funding for the graduate student to present as a guest speaker (up to a certain limit).