French Language Instruction Program


Cours accrédités enseignés en français sur le campus dans des départements autre que le département de français.

Students in the Drop-in centre


Week-ends d'immersion, festival du film d'éducation, voyage au Québec, et plus.

Students study in the French Centre

Bourse d'etudes

Bourse annuelle de 7900$ pour un an d'études en français au Québec

Featured news

2024-2025 List of LRC initiatives and How to Apply

LRC Initiatives: Research, Teaching, Community Engagement

Think Ink 10 - Calligraphy Event with Professional Calligrapher Mami Humphreys

On a cozy afternoon on March 12, 30 students were filled with fun and enthusiasm to learn the art of Japanese calligraphy at Think Ink 10.

SLLLC Student Wins Special Prize at National Japanese Speech Contest

SLLLC Student Jessie Zheng accepted the Special Prize at the 34th National Japanese Speech Contest

Featured events

Rev. Tony Snow

Reconciliation and Repair: Treaty, Covenant, Relationship, Bond

The Chair of Christian Thought Lebel Lecture in Christian Ethics presents An Evening with Rev. Tony Snow.

Oct. 11, 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Patricia A. Whelan Performance Hall, Calgary Central Library

Learn more and register

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