Past research theses
Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies
- Rethinking Grand Strategy for an Era of Climate Change | MSS
- News Media and the Military: Portraying and Responding to Right-Wing Extremism in the Canadian Armed Forces | MSS
- Still in the Closet: LGBTQ People and the Lack of Protections in Conflict Zones | MSS
- Redirect: Countering Radicalization in Calgary Using Community-Based Policing | MSS
- Five Eyes Through Different Eyes: A Gendered Examination of Intelligence Studies | MSS
- Controlling the Northern Seas: The Influence of Exclusive Economic Zones on the Development of Norwegian, Danish, and Canadian Navel Forces | PhD
- Processing the Lessons of War: Organizational Change and the U.S. Military | PhD
- Countering Nuclear Terrorism through Formal and Informal International Regimes: Analysis of the ICSANT and the NTI | MSS
- Rising from the Shadows: Understanding the Adaptation of U.S. Special Operations Forces 2003-2015 | MSS
- Canadian Military Identity Constructions: Examining Civil-Military Relations in Canada | PhD
- Revisiting the Politics of Asylum in Africa: Explaining Kenya's Sub-National Policy Variation | PhD
- Ally, Enemy, or Something else? How and why the United States’ Drone Program Implementation and Operation in Pakistan Changed their Relationship | MSS
- An Arctic Nuclear Weapons Free Zone – In Search of a Security Architecture for the Arctic | MSS
- Institutional Counterinsurgency Frameworks in Africa’s Lake Chad Basin and the Operations of the Multinational Joint Task Force Against Boko Haram | MSS
- Coming Home a “Veteran”: The military-civilian transition in Canada and Canadian military identity | MSS
2019 - 2020
- Data-driven Cyber Prediction in Hybrid Warfare | MSS
- The Issue of Battle: The Evolution of Operational Art in Western Iraq, 2003-2007 | PhD
- ‘What Colour are You?’: FBI Counter-Intelligence and the Targeting of White Hate and Black Extremist Groups in the 1960’s | MSS
- Post-Somalia Reform in the Canadian Armed Forces: Leadership, Education, and Professional Development | PhD
- Falling Short: suboptimal outcomes in Canadian defence procurement | PhD
2017 - PhD
- Can We Settle This: The settlements in the occupied territories and U.S. – Israel relations, 1967 - 1981 | PhD
- Territorial Disputes in the Arctic: Prospects for Conflict and Cooperation | PhD
- Beyond Delusions of Grand Strategy: A Centrifugal National Security Strategy for Canada | PhD
- Norm Change and Contestation in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: The India-US Nuclear Deal | PhD
- Great Power Politics Among Asante and its Neighbours in the 18th and 19th Centuries: An Offensive Realist Explanation | PhD
2017 - MSS
- A Canadian Space Odyssey: Canada, the Great Space Powers, and the Space Power Dilemma | MSS
- Tribal Ways of War: Combat Branch Conceptualizations of Warfare in the United States Army, 1983-1999 | MSS
- Intelligence Systems Failures in Responding to Threats from Afghanistan | MSS
- Future War for Fun and Profit: Authority, Bureaucracy and Masculinity in Defence Industry Software Development | MSS
- NATO Infantry Weapons Standardization: Ideal or Possibility? | MSS
- America’s Alleged Intelligence Failure in the Prelude to Operation Iraqi Freedom | PhD
- Street Gangs, Outlaw Bikers, the Mafia and the Mexican Cartels: Dynamics of Transnational Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking in Canada | MSS
- Manipulating State Failure: Al-Shabaab’s Consolidation of Power in Somalia | MSS
- Tracing a Line in the Water: China’s Anti-Access/Area-Denial Strategy in the Asia Pacific Region and its Implications for the United States | MSS
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The United States Navy and Mine Warfare in the 21st Century | MSS
- Trading Secrets: Canada’s Comparative Advantage in Signals Intelligence Sharing, 1947 to Present | MSS
- Information Operations in Afghanistan from 2001-2012 | MSS
- Snake Oil Salesmen: Security under the Guise of Sovereignty in the Canadian Arctic | MSS
- Ten Principles of Soviet Operational Art: Red Army Operations in Theory and Practice, 1936-1942 | MSS
- China’s Race towards the Arctic: Interests, Legitimacy, and Canadian Security Implications | MSS
- Sea-Based Air Power and Maritime Expeditionary Operations: U.K. Limited Naval Capability in the 1982 Falklands War | MSS
- Atlas Telamon: U.S. Grand Strategy and Terrorism Since 911 | MSS
- Canada-U.S. Energy Interdependence and the Keystone Project | MSS
- Specialization If Necessary, But Not Necessarily Specialization: A Strategy for Canadian Landpower After Afghanistan | MSS
- The FTA’s Energy Provisions and Canada’s Oil Export Options | MSS
- A Contradiction in Will: Understanding China’s Strategic Culture in a Civil-Military Context | MSS
- Stripes Pips and Crowns: A Preliminary Study of Leader-Follower Relations in the Canadian Expeditionary Force During the First World War, 1914-1918 | MSS
- Security Challenges of States Building Crisis in West Africa Since 1955 | PhD
- What is Past is Prologue: Historical and Organizational Factors in Establishing a Director of the United States Intelligence Community | MSS
- Captains of Industry Crewing the Ship of State: Dollar-a-Year Men and Industrial Mobilization in WWII Canada, 1939-1942 | MSS
- A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours: Explaining the August 1941 Invasion of Iran | MSS
- Gender Biases and Armed Conflict: Assessing the reintegration experience of women from the LRA | MSS
- The British Empire on the Western Front: A Transnational Study of the 62nd West Riding Division and the Canadian 4th Division | PhD
- Trading in Conflict: Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility | MSS
- The Decline and Fall of Imperialism in Canada | MSS
- Spies Wearing Purple Hats: The Use of Social Computing to Improve Information Sharing Inside the United States Intelligence Community | MSS
- The Impact of Unification and Civilianization on the Canadian Force, 1967-1993 | MSS
- Friend or Foe? Deconstructing the US-Pakistan Alliance | MSS
- The United States and Saudi Arabia After the Iraq War | MSS
- Agent of Influence and Change – the Primacy of Culture in Smart Power Strategies | MSS
- Same Game, Different Rules | PhD
- Water Security: Concepts, Challenges, and the South Saskatchewan River Basin | MSS
- Politics vs. Policy: The Role of Northern Politics and Foreign Policy in the 2006 Conservative Election Campaign | MSS
- The NSG Waiver for India: Implications for the Non-proliferation Regime | MSS
- Viable Conflict Resolution: Lessons Learned from the Ituri District in the Democratic Republic of Congo | MSS
- A Constructivist Approach to the U.S.-Iranian Nuclear Problem | MSS
- Militarizing the War on Drugs: The Influence of the Colombian Government in Shaping the Design of Plan Colombia | MSS
- Canada’s Involvement in Peacekeeping Operations: the Essential Role of Intelligence | MSS
- Blue Water Dragon | MSS
- Strategic Studies and Cyberspace: Iranian Political Unrest on Twitter | MSS
- Web 2.0, Terrorism 2.0? Salafi-Jihadist Terrorist use of the Internet | MSS
- The Emergence of the Torpedo Boat | MSS
- Strategy and the Forces of Group Violence in Africa: The Case of Toto Local Government | PhD
- What’s on the Agenda? Conceptualizing Threat to National Security | MSS
- Critical Infrastructure Protection in Canada: Focus on the Energy Sector | MSS
- Hyper Dragon, Hibernating Beaver: Strategic Implications for Canada of China’s Resurgence in Africa | MSS
- The Application of Humint in Counterterrorism | MSS
- The Evolution of Cooperative Threat Reduction | MSS
- The Impact of Military Culture and Doctrine on Colombia’s Counterinsurgency | MSS
- Course 000: The Maritime Enforcement of Canada’s Arctic Sovereignty and its Potential Implications for the Canadian Navy | MSS
- Canada After 9/11: The Economic Security of Anti-Terrorism and Border Security | MSS
- Rules for Victory: Analysis of the Malayan Emergency and South Vietnamese Strategic Hamlet Program Using Social Constructivism | MSS
- Memetics As a Basis For Counterterrorism | MSS
- Security North American Transportation | MSS
- Mozi on Warfare | MSS
- Buying Prevention: The Evolution of Cooperative Threat Reduction from Policy Innovation to International Regime | MSS
- Respectful Vagueness: The Continual Utility of Strategic Ambiguity as the Primary Deterrent to Conflict in the Taiwan Straits | MSS
- Mind the Gap: How Canada’s Attempt to Bridge the Democracy Gap in Egypt may Endanger its Interests in the Middle East | MSS
- Training as per Syllabus: Readying the South Saskatchewan Regiment for War, 1939-1944 | MSS
- Non Jewish Russians in the Israeli Defence Force | MSS
- Morally Bound: Counter-Terrorism Policy During the Reagan Administration | MSS
- University Reserves and Canada: The Return of COTC | MSS
- On Message | MSS
- Rapid Conquest Societies: A Comparative Study | MSS
- Hegemony Over the Heavens: Struggle in Space | PhD
- The Will and the Way: The Challenges of Integrating the European Security and Defence Policy | MSS
- Canadian Naval Shipbuilding: Improving the Effectiveness of the Buy Canadian Policy | MSS
- Professionally Disconnected: Human Resources Strategic Planning in the CF | MSS
- Municipal Policy and Counter-Terrorism: Can Intelligence Led Policing Work at the Local Level | MSS
- Societal Security and the Cultural Integration of Islam in England and France | MSS
- A New Strategy for Cooperative Resource Management in the South China Sea | MSS
- Terrorism and Mass-Casualty Weapons: The Choice of a New Generation? | MSS
- The Art of Occupation: An Analysis of Three Case Studies | MSS
- Terrorist Financing Operations in Canada | MSS
- Hill 70 and Lens, the Forgotten Battles: The Canadian Corps in the Summer of 1917 | MSS
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Innovation | MSS
- Threat and Interdependence: NORAD and the Canada-United States Defence Alliance | MSS
- The Mukhabarat | MSS
- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: A Case Study of Battalion Effectiveness in the Battle of Normandy, 25 July 1944 | MSS
- The (IM) Polite World of Diplomacy: Canadian Arms Sales to Argentina and Other Latin American Countries, 1945-1957 | MSS
- The Challenges of Doing Good Work: The Development of Canadian CIMIC Capability and NGO Relations | MSS
- Balkan Rats and Balkan Bats | PhD
- Strategy 2020 and the Future of DND/CF | MSS
- Argentine Military Professionalism 20th Century | MSS
- Smoke and Mirrors: The Dirty War and Argentine Military Professionalism | MSS
- Rethinking Security: The Lost Decade in U.S.-Colombian Relations 1981-1989 | MSS
- Blurred Vision: Ethos and the Canadian Forces | PhD
- Bad Lessons? Training Non Commissioned Members of the Canadian Army Reserve for the Realities of the 21st Century | MSS
- Uncle Sam’s and Charlemagne’s New Toys: The American RMA Effect on Transatlantic Security | MSS
- The Paradox of Canada’s Regional Engagement: Rethinking Canadian Defence Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Region | MSS
2001 - 2002
- After Battle, Tighten Your Helmut Strings: The Development of the Imperial Japanese Navy 1875-1905 | MSS
- Reinventing the Looking Glass: Developing a Canadian Foreign Intelligence Service | MSS