Journal for Military and Strategic Studies

The Journal of Military and Strategic Studies is sponsored by the Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies (CMSS).  It is one of the few electronic journals dedicated to the study of security related issues in Canada providing a forum in which these topics can be examined and discussed. Dr. John Ferris and Dr. Jim Keeley, co-editors of the Journal believe in the editorial philosophy that the many issues within the field of military and strategic studies are best understood through an open and frank discussion.  Remaining open to as wide an audience as possible, the JMSS encourages debates that are best served by a mix of academic and policy related approaches.

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Vol. 23 No. 4

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Vol. 23 No. 3

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Vol. 23 No. 2

For submissions or further information contact:

Dr. Glenn Wilkinson 
Associate Professor, History

Dr. Gavin Cameron 
Associate Professor, Political Scence

Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary
Social Sciences 8th floor, 2500 University Drive N.W.
Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4


Emeritus Editors: Dr. John Ferris, Dr. Terry Terriff and Dr. Jim Keeley