Funding Opportunities

Community Outreach Activities
The Language Research Centre supports community outreach activities of its members. Eligible community outreach activities are those activities that primarily address the wider community beyond the university campus while being meaningfully related to the research undertaken in the LRC.

Special Initiatives
The Language Research Centre supports research and knowledge dissemination activities that fall within its mission. LRC members can request up to $500 throughout the year. Requests should include a short outline of the activity and anticipated expenses, and are assessed by the LRC Steering Committee.

Graduate Fellowships
The Language Research Centre Graduate Fellowship aims to increase graduate student involvement in the Language Research Centre and to strengthen the community outreach of the LRC.

High Profile Event
The Language Research Centre invites proposals for a larger event or short event series. The goal of this event is to increase the visibility of the LRC and to engage the wider community in Calgary.

Academic and Professional Development Events
The Language Research Centre (LRC) supports academic and professional development events organized by its members. Eligible events are those that focus on the discussion and dissemination of scholarship or on the training of skills in the areas of language teaching and learning, literary and cultural studies, or theoretical and experimental linguistics.