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Featured news
Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 2024
The University of Calgary’s Chinese Program hosted its annual Mid-Autumn Festival on September 20, 2024. This year’s celebration brought together students and faculty members for an afternoon of performances, hands-on cultural activities, and mooncake and tea tasting.
2024-2025 List of LRC initiatives and How to Apply
LRC Initiatives: Research, Teaching, Community Engagement
Think Ink 10 - Calligraphy Event with Professional Calligrapher Mami Humphreys
On a cozy afternoon on March 12, 30 students were filled with fun and enthusiasm to learn the art of Japanese calligraphy at Think Ink 10.
The 33rd Alberta Japanese Speech Contest 2024
Four prizes were won by UofC students with inspiring speeches in this year’s Japanese Speech Contest.
In the News Ben Whaley, Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures, in CBC News
Does Netflix's Avatar prove that good live-action adaptations are impossible?
Japanese program: Great semester kick-off with many events
It has been a very busy but fruitful semester for everyone in the Japanese program. Back in October, we held many inetersting events, “Meet and Greet” to meet up with other fellow Japanese major students, “Tea tasting with JET” to learn about the Japanese tea culture and the JET(Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme, “Professor Xiao Jie Yang Memorial Lecture” to celebrate his life work, and “Kimono 101” to learn about the Japanese kimono culture.
Alberta District Japanese Language Speech Contest
Coordinated and sponsored by the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary, the goals of the Alberta District Japanese Speech Contest are to encourage the study of Japanese, recognize academic excellence and promote good will and mutual understanding between Canada and Japan. The Alberta District Japanese Speech Contest is held annually in March. There are four levels which a contestant may enter: beginner, intermediate, advanced or open.
National Japanese Speech Contest
The National Japanese Speech Contest (NJSC) was established in 1989 under the auspices of the Japanese Embassy in Ottawa in order to promote Japanese language education in Canada. The NJSC is sponsored by the Japan Foundation and is held at a different location across Canada annually. Consulates General of Japan, universities and corporations have provided various support and assistance in making this event a very successful and important to the Japanese community. The NJSC is now co-hosted by the National Japanese Speech Contest Organizing Committee and the Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education.
Group Study Abroad travel blogs
- Japan: Its Life and Culture 2019
- Tokyo Photo Diary 2019
- GSP Japan: Its Culture and Way of Life 2018 Hokkaido - Photo Diary / Travel and Project Blogs
- Senshu 2018 - Photo Diary / Travel and Project Blogs
- GSP Japan: Its Culture and Way of Life 2017 - Photo Diary / Travel and Project Blogs
- Senshu 2017 - Photo Diary / Travel and Project Blogs
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