the Department of Economics
Our faculty have published in the very top journals in the field, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, and the Review of Economic Studies. Many have served in elected offices in the Canadian Economics Association and other professional societies within the discipline and as policy advisors to government. Many faculty members have served on prominent editorial boards, including those for the American Economic Review, the Canadian Journal of Economics, and Canadian Public Policy.
We have a large undergraduate program with over 7000 undergraduates enrolled in courses offered by the department, making economics one of the most popular majors at the University of Calgary. Undergraduates also frequently participate in research projects supervised by the faculty in the department.
Our graduate program offers both thesis-based and course-based master's degrees and a PhD degree. In a typical year, we enroll approximately 20 students to our master's programs and 10 students to the PhD program. Our programs draw an extremely diverse group of students from across Canada and around the world.
Doctoral students typically spend five years enrolled in the program — completing course work in the first two years and spending the remainder of that time pursuing research. Our curriculum is consistent with the level of rigor and the design of leading economics graduate programs in North America; however, our smaller program size affords our students more attention from faculty and more opportunities to pursue their particular research interests. Our PhD program graduates have had high success rates in terms of obtaining tenure-track academic appointments — including at, among other institutions, the University of Alberta, Queen's University, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and Georgia Tech.
Many graduates of our master's programs have gone on to PhD study in the world's leading economics departments in Canada and the United States. They have also gone on to find prominent positions in government, banking, and industry.