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In the News: Blake Shaffer, Economics, in City News

Alberta’s coal power era comes to an end

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In the News: Jennifer Winter, Economics, in CBC News

Official N.B. government site on carbon taxes slammed for exaggerations, omissions

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in Calgary Sun

'Hope on the horizon': Interest rate cut welcome but unlikely to have immediate impact on affordability

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In the News: Kent Fellows, Economics, in

Conservatives defend their math on proposed fuel tax holiday

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in CBC News

What the 'inadvertent error' in the PBO's carbon tax analysis means, in as plain English as possible

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in CTV News

Trevor Tombe Discusses April's Inflation Numbers

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in Winnipeg Free Press

Interprovincial trade barriers weigh down GDP, boost freight costs

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in National Post

Calgary's affordability advantage slipping away

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in Hill Times

Economists, businesses question timing of capital gains tax hike as Canada faces productivity challenges

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