March 8, 2024

The Wage Standard

Dr. Arindrajit Dube, NBER

Dr. Dube, a leading figure in the study of labour market inequality, will discuss his forthcoming book: The Wage Standard. In it, Dr. Dube deploys cutting edge research to reveal how the labour market really works and provides a path to rebuilding inclusive prosperity—ultimately giving workers a much-needed raise.

Dr. Dube’s work focuses on labor economics, along with health economics, public finance, and political economy. Some of his current areas of research include wage inequality, the importance of labor market competition, minimum wage effects on employment and inequality; the role of fairness concerns at the workplace; the interplay of behavioral biases and labor market power; the impact of unemployment benefits; and the role of firm wage policies in explaining the growth in inequality. 

Dr. Dube has also conducted research on employer health mandates; unions and collective bargaining; outsourcing and sub-contracting; gun laws and violence; capitalization of private information in stock prices. 

Dr. Dube received his B.A. in Economics and M.A. in Development Policy from Stanford University, and his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. Previously, he held positions of visiting Professor at MIT Department of Economics, and Boston University’s Questrom School of Business. Dr. Dube is  a research associate at NBER, and a research fellow at IZA.

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