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In the News: Blake Shaffer, Economics, in CBC News

Danielle Smith has embraced the electric vehicle. No, not the EV you're thinking of

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In the News: Blake Shaffer, Economics, in Calgary Herald

City councillor has dim hopes for quick resolution to spiking electricity fees

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in CBC News

There's now a Bank of Canada number for carbon tax's impact on inflation. It's small

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In the News: Blake Shaffer, Economics, in Calgary Herald

Local franchise fee on electricity should not be tied to rising rates

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In the News: Blake Shaffer, Economics, in CBC News

Calgary's extra fee on top of electricity prices expected to top $200M in revenue — again

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New student orientation

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In the News: Blake Shaffer, Economics, The Calgary Herald

Premier warns of blackouts under feds' net-zero power plan, while billions of renewables hang in balance

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In the News: Kent Fellows, Economics, in CBC News

Renewable energy pause welcome in parts of rural Alberta as some say review long overdue

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In the News: Blake Shaffer, Economics, in The Globe and Mail

Alberta’s decision to freeze renewables was wrong – and complicated

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