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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in CBC News

Status of Alberta's nest egg Heritage Savings Fund unknown as annual report stalled

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In the News: Ron Kneebone, Economics, in Calgary Herald

Varcoe: A big pipeline win, another credit rating downgrade, hit province

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in 660News

Experts cast doubt over Kenney's economic recovery plan

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In the News: Ron Kneebone, Economics, in CBC News

Alberta to spend billions on infrastructure, cut corporate taxes as part of recovery plan

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In the News: Ron Kneebone, Economics, in CBC News

Albertans divided on remedy for coming 'fiscal reckoning,' says poll

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in MSN News

Timing is everything: how Canada got into a pandemic economy — and how it might get out

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in Calgary Herald

NDP says withdrawing from Canada Pension Plan would come with $133-billion unfunded liability, but economist says number should not be taken seriously

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in 660News

Equalization: The UCP is seeking reform, but what does it mean?

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