Our researchers

Our researchers

Department of Classics and Religion researchers are involved with a broad variety of research interests.

Current researchers

Wendi Adamek

Wendi Adamek

Research interests

Medieval Chinese Buddhism, East Asian Buddhism, Chinese religions


James Apple

James Apple

Research interests

Sanskrit, Tibetan, Indian and Tibetan Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism


Lesley Bolton

Lesley Bolton

Research interests

Ancient Technology, Epigraphy and Curse Tablets, Romano-British Archaeology, particularly Hadrian's Wall area, Ancient Medicine, Medical Manuscripts


Marica Cassis

Marica Cassis

Research interests

Byzantine and Syriac History and Archaeology; 
Late Antiquity


Christopher Framarin

Christopher Framarin

Research interests

Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, Indian Philosophy (esp.Ethics and Metaphysics), Buddhist Philosophy


Craig Ginn

Craig Ginn

Research interests

Religion and Music, Historical/Comparative study of Religion, Christianity, Near-Death Experiences


Harjeet Grewal

Harjeet Grewal

Research interests

Sikh Traditions, Sufi Traditions, Middle Eastern & Asian Religions, Continental & Intercultural Philosophy, Critical Religion & Theory of Religions, Race, Class, and Religion, Colonialism & Decolonization, Post-humanism & Social Practice, Diasporic Religions, Literary Theory & Narratology, Visual Culture


Irving Hexham

Irving Hexham

Research interests

National Socialism and political extremism, New Religious Movements, Religion and Politics, Methods and Theory in the Study of Religion, Christian Fundamentalism, Dutch neo-Calvinism, Political Religions, Afrikaner Nationalism, Nationalism and Religion


Lisa Hughes

Lisa Hughes

Research interests

Special interest: non-elite representations of the early Roman empire, Roman art and archaeology, Roman social history


Noreen Humble

Noreen Humble

Research interests

Plutarch, Reception of ancient authors in Byzantium and in the Renaissance, Sparta, Ancient Biography, Xenophon


James Rutherford Hume

James Rutherford Hume

Research interests

Ancient Greek and Roman religion, Latin language, Greek language, Classical mythology


Laura Jurgens

Laura Jurgens

Research interests

Western Religions, Gender and Sexuality, Women and Religion, Radical Reformation Studies, Christianity


Craig Maynes

Craig Maynes

Research interests

Latin language, Latin literature (esp. elegy and comedy), Roman social history, Roman domestic architecture, Latin textual criticism, Reception studies


Carolyn Muessig

Carolyn Muessig

Research Interests

Medieval religious culture, female spirituality, preaching and sermons, devotion and liturgy, monastic and mendicant education, heresy and reform, religious literature and readership, reception of miracles (e.g., stigmata), sanctity (e.g., Catherine of Siena, Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi)


Joy Palacios

Joy Palacios

Research interests

History of Christianity, French Counter-Reformation (seminary foundations, priestly training, spiritual literature, l’École française de spiritualité, age of Louis XIV), religion and performance (liturgy, preaching, antitheatricality, the relationship between church and theater), performance theory, ritual theory


Amber Porter

Amber Porter

Research interests

History of the Emotions, Cultural History of Medicine, Ancient Medicine, Art and architecture in ancient Greece, Women in the ancient world


Elizabeth Rohlman

Elizabeth Rohlman

Research interests

Hinduism, Puranas, Regionally-produced Sanskrit literature, Regional and sectarian religious movements, South Asian religious history, Religious geography


Tinu Ruparell

Tinu Ruparell

Research interests

Idealism and Indian Philosophy, Religious Pluralism and interreligious dialogue, Comparative Philosophy, Science and Religion, Hermeneutics


Hanne Sigismund Nielsen

Hanne Sigismund Nielsen

Research interests

Roman Children, Latin epigraphy, Roman Women, Roman Family, Roman social history


Rachel Schmidt

Rachel Schmidt

Research interests

Cervantes, Pilgrimage and the Camino de Santiago, Reception of ancient novel in early-modern Spain, Religion in early-modern Spain and Latin America, Twentieth-century Spanish intellectuals Miguel de Unamuno and José Ortega y Gasset, Hermeneutics and theories of narrative, Book illustration


Peter Toohey

Peter Toohey

Research interests

Cultural History of Medicine, History of Madness, Greek and Roman Epic Poetry, History of the Emotions, Gender and Sexuality


Virginia Tumasz

Virginia Tumasz

Research interests

Process theologies, Science and Religion, The philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead


Professors Emeritus

Martin Cropp

Martin Cropp

Research Interests

Ancient Greek language and literature

Ancient Greek theatre and drama, especially tragedy

Ancient Greek dramatic texts, transmission and editing

Classical mythology    


Morny Joy

Morny Joy

Research interests

Religion and Culture, Philosophy of Religion, Hermeneutics, Women and Religion, Comparative Philosophy, Hinduism, Continental Philosophy, Methods and Theory in the Study of Religion, Postcolonial Theory, Political Religions

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Wayne McCready

Wayne McCready

Research interests

Religion and Place Studies, Origins of Christianity, Second Temple Judaism

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Ron Neufeldt

Ron Neufeldt

Research interests

History of Indian Religions, Methodology, New Religious Movements, Religion in Modern India

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Eliezer Segal

Eliezer Segal

Research interests

Comparative Exegesis, Judaism, Western Religions

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Douglas Shantz

Douglas Shantz

Research interests

Radical Reformation Studies, German Pietism, Christian Apocalyptic

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John Vanderspoel

Research interests

Late Roman History, Intellectual History of the Roman Imperial Period, Roman Imperial History, Roman Republican History, Roman social history