The Chair of Christian Thought was initiated in 1980. The original vision was to bring renowned scholars in the field of Christian thought to the University of Calgary and surrounding community. Thanks to leadership from J. Louis Lebel, President of Dome Petroleum and Chairman of the Fundraising Committee, the project reached its goal in June 1985.
Bridging the academy and faith communities
Current Chair
Dr. Carolyn Muessig
Professor Carolyn Muessig is the Chair of Christian Thought since July 2020. She specializes in Medieval Christianity, with particular emphasis on its devotional dimensions and the contribution of female teachers and preachers in Western Europe. Among her publications are The Faces of Women in the Sermons of Jacques de Vitry and The Stigmata in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. An award-winning teacher, she works with undergraduate and postgraduate students, and has supervised numerous PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers. She is presently assessing the activities of medieval and early modern female preachers. Professor Muessig is committed to bringing together diverse communities from within and outside academe to explore the significance of Christianity in art, history and culture.

Chair Gordon Harland
Sept. 1986 – April 1987
Chair Alan Sell
Jan. 1988 – Dec. 1992
Chair Douglas Shantz
Sept. 1999 – August 2016
Past instructors
Seminar instructors 1993 – 1998
Grace Jantzen, University of Manchester
Janice Soskice, Cambridge University
Julius Lipner, Cambridge University
Ursula King, Bristol University
Annual lectures
Dr. Howard Bentall studied for his Bachelor of Arts at the University of British Columbia. He then attended McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton where he obtained a Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1937, and in 1959 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from McMaster University. Dr. Bentall had a distinguished career in ministry in the Baptist tradition. From 1938 to 1946 he served as senior minister at First Baptist Church in Regina when its membership was listed at over 800. Later ministries included Walmer Road Baptist Church in Toronto and First Baptist Church in Calgary. From 1972 to 1992 Dr. Bentall served as associate executive minister for the Baptist Union of Western Canada. He was a president of the Canadian Baptist Federation, serving from 1956-1959, and was a vice-president of the Canadian Bible Society. In 1991 Calgary's Downtown Kiwanis Club presented him with an appreciation award. For many years he was an honorary director of Operation Eyesight Universal, and secretary-treasurer of Hawthorne Charitable Foundation.
Dr. Shirley Bentall likewise demonstrated a life of service to worthy causes and the church. She received a Bachelor of Arts from McMaster and the university awarded her an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree in 1989. After she and Howard were married in 1946, she devoted herself to efforts that advanced the position of women in the church. She was a president of the Baptist Union of Western Canada (1976-77) and the first woman president of the Canadian Baptist Federation (1985-88). She served as vice-president of the Baptist World Alliance and as chair of the group's Christian Ethics Study Commission. She wrote extensively, including a regular column for The Canadian Baptist Magazine and several books. In retirement, she devoted herself to the creation of the Salsbury Community Society in East Vancouver, a housing initiative that fosters community diversity and provides support for refugees.
In the early 1980s Dr. Howard and Dr. Shirley Bentall showed their commitment to education by helping to launch the Chair of Christian Thought at the University of Calgary, a position and vision which they generously supported for the remainder of their lives. The Bentalls retired to Vancouver, B.C., where they spent their last years founding the Rivendell Retreat Centre on Bowen Island which operates in a radically inclusive way by inviting people who come to pay what they can afford. Shirley passed away in 2005 and Howard followed in 2008. The volunteer-run retreat, among other jointly created charitable initiatives, continue today as testaments to their boundless generosity, compassion, and faith.
It is a privilege to hold an annual lecture in Education and Theology in honour of Dr. C. Howard Bentall and Dr. Shirley Bentall.
Sources: Church directory at First Baptist Church, Calgary (published in 1988) & Howard and Shirley Bentalls’ obituaries.
December 9, 2023
Dr. Paul Gareau
Faculty of Native Studies
University of Alberta- Critical Indigenous Theory and the Study of Religion
Jan 29, 2022
Dr. Donyelle C. McCray
Associate Professor of Homiletics, Yale Divinity School- Chair of Christian Thought Bentall Lecture on Christian Education and Theology: Quilter as Truthteller? Harriet Powers, Rosie Lee Tomkins and their Stitched Sermons
Feb. 27, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Muessig
Chair of Christian Thought
Department of Classics & Religion
University of Calgary- The Greatest Story Never Told: Female Preaching in Premodern Europe: An Afternoon with Dr. Carolyn Muessig
Feb. 26, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Muessig
Chair of Christian Thought
Department of Classics & Religion
University of Calgary- Signs of leadership: Women and invisible stigmata in the late Middle Ages
Feb. 25, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Muessig
Chair of Christian Thought
Department of Classics & Religion
University of Calgary- Spiritus Domini before Pope Francis: Women as spiritual advisors in medieval Italy
Sept. 29, 2015
Dr. Ryan J. Williams
SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Classics and Religion, University of Calgary- Challenges & Opportunities in Rehabilitating Extremist Offenders
Sept. 28, 2015
Dr. Ryan J. Williams
SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Classics and Religion, University of Calgary- Redeeming the “unredeemable”: Rehabilitating extremist offenders and what this teaches us about Peace-building
Sept. 23, 2014
Dr. Steven Engler
Professor of Religious Studies
Humanities, Mount Royal University- Opportunities & Threats in the Global Study of Religions
Sept. 22, 2014
Dr. Steven Engler
Professor of Religious Studies
Humanities, Mount Royal University- Multiple Religious Adherence & Boundary Crossing in Brazil
Oct. 1, 2013
James K. A. Smith
Professor of Philosophy,
Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI- The Secular is Haunted: Inhabiting Our Cross-Pressured Present
Sept. 30, 2013
James K. A. Smith
Professor of Philosophy,
Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI- Worship, Worldview & Cultural Liturgies
Oct. 1, 2012
Anne Moore, Terence Penelhum, Tinu Ruparell, Douglas Shantz
Department of Classics and Religion, University of Calgary- Book Presentation and Panel Discussion: Christian Thought in the 21st Century: Agenda for the Future (Cascade Books, 2012)
- Presentation to Dr. Elizabeth Craigie
Sept. 20, 2011
Professor Gordon Campbell
Leicester University (UK)- The History of the King James Bible as Literature and Sacred Text
Sept. 19, 2011
Professor Gordon Campbell
Leicester University (UK)- The King James Bible Then and Now: how a 1611 Translation has impacted the English language
Oct. 4, 2010
Dr. Anne Moore
Associate Professor
Department of Religious Studies, University of Calgary- Imaging Women in the Early Church: The Visual/Material Clues to Women's Leadership
Feb. 2, 2010
Professor Joseph Wawrykow
Associate Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame- Jesus as True Human: Reflections on Aquinas' Pedagogical Strategies in Summa Theologia III
Feb. 1, 2010
Professor Joseph Wawrykow
Associate Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame- Thomas Aquinas Speaks to the Church Today: His Continuing Relevance
Sept. 23, 2008
Rev. Dr. Brian Leslie Hebblethwaite
Fellow of Queens' College,
Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK- Scientific and Theological Explanations of the World: The Nature of Human Personhood
Sept. 22, 2008
Rev. Dr. Brian Leslie Hebblethwaite
Fellow of Queens' College,
Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK- In Defence of Christianity
March 25, 2008
Dr. Nicholas J. Watson
Professor of English and American Literature, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA- The Body of the Past: History and Imagination
March 24, 2008
Dr. Nicholas J. Watson
Professor of English and American Literature, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA- Toward a History of Tolerance: Jews and Muslims in Medieval Christian Thought
March 20, 2007
Dr. Tinu Ruparell
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, University of Calgary- Two Dogmas of Interreligious Dialogue
March 19, 2007
Dr. Tinu Ruparell
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, University of Calgary- The Search for Truth in Interreligious Dialogue
Oct. 4, 2005
Keith Ward
Regius Professor of Divinity, Oxford University- Islam and the West
Oct. 3, 2005
Keith Ward
Regius Professor of Divinity, Oxford University- Christianity and the Indian Religious Traditions
Feb. 5, 2003
Dr. Clark Pinnock and Dr. John B. Cobb Jr.
- A Dialogue on Issues between Process and Free Will Theists
Feb. 4, 2003
Dr. John B. Cobb Jr.
- How Modern Science Has Changed Our View of God: Process Theology and the Bible
Feb. 3, 2003
Dr. Clark Pinnock
- The Metaphysics of Love: Rethinking the Doctrine of God and His Relation to the World
March 5, 2002
Rev. Dr. John Polkinghorne
Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge University- Recent Trends in Science and Religion
March 4, 2002
Rev. Dr. John Polkinghorne
Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge University- Can a Scientist Pray? Affirming both Religious and Scientific Responses to the World
March 5, 2001
Douglas Shantz
Chair of Christian Thought, UCalgary- Women, Men and the Experience of God: Comparing Spiritual Autobiographies
Jan. 26, 2001
Dr. Peter C. Erb
Professor of Religion and Culture, Wilfred Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario- Bernard of Clairvaux on the Psychology, the 'Self,' and the Love of God
- Bishop Butler and the Analogy of Religion: Another Look at the English Enlightenment
Jan. 25, 2001
Dr. Peter C. Erb
Professor of Religion and Culture, Wilfred Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario- Murder, Espionage and other Christian Mysteries: Contemporary Christian Novelists in the Secular World
- Conversion and Politics in England and the Colonies: John Henry Newman and Pandita Ramabai
Jan. 23, 2001
Prof. Lynn Szabo
Sessional Assistant Professor of English and Communications, Trinity Western University
Langley, British Columbia- The View from Here: Thomas Merton’s Poetic View of the World
Dr. Reverend Kazuo Iwaasa served as minster of Church & Society at the Knox and Central United Churches in downtown Calgary from 1973-1982. Born in Alberta in 1918 to migrant parents from Hiroshima, Japan, Iwaasa was raised in rural western Canada. A second generation Japanese Canadian who lived during war time, he was no stranger to discrimination, hardship, and heartache. In 1947 at the age of 29 a profound and transcendent awakening to the wholeness of existence, brought on by a realization of the all-encompassing love of God, created the foundation upon which his life of ministry and social service began. He became enthralled by the ‘living word’ of the Bible and the ability to create tangible social change through civil rights activism and the church. He became a member of the United Church in 1948, and until his death he regarded the community as family.
He studied theology at St. Stephen’s College in Edmonton, served as a student pastor in Tofield and as general secretary for the activist Student Christian Movement at the University of Alberta. He was ordained as a Minister of the United Church in 1959. He served at Blairmore United Church, All Peoples’ Mission in Winnipeg, and then studied art at the Southern Alberta College of Art. In 1913 he became Church & Society Minister of downtown Calgary. He received a Doctor of Divinity degree from St. Stephen’s College in Edmonton in April of 1982.
Human rights, social justice and compassion were at the forefront of his ministry. He was fully devoted to the service of his fellow man: the oppressed, the marginalized, the disadvantaged, the lost and downtrodden. He channeled his lived experience as a Japanese Canadian in the mid 20th century into a drive to make life better for those who suffered as he had. His concern and activism for environmental protection and Indigenous rights were before his time. His humble sense of self as a ‘sinner among sinners’ grounded him in his work. He oversaw and tirelessly contributed to Welcome and Drop-in Centres, institutions which he supported while he sought to create a society in which they might not be needed.
Rev. Kazuo Iwaasa passed away in 1982 from cancer, and the life-changing effects on the innumerable lives he touched still reverberate today. His devoted and equally luminous wife Inger passed away in 2020 at the age of 90. They are survived by their daughter, a pianist and co-founder of the Vancouver Queer Arts Festival, Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, and Bob Iwaasa, a son of Rev. Iwaasa’s previous marriage to life-long friend Beverly Boyd.
Rabbi Lewis Ginzberg in 1984 on Rev. Iwaasa:
“There are people who enrich by overt gifts; there are others who enrich by their mere being. Kind as he was to many, and to many benevolent causes, his greatest gift to us was to bring into a raucous world --- a world teeming with anxiety and apprehension, and with a violence that may momentarily break out --- a sense of quietness, a sense of those eternal values which endure midst all flux and change, a sense of the dignity of the human spirit even in the moment of stress and upheaval.”
It is an honour to hold an annual lecture on Urban Theology in Reverend Kazuo Iwaasa’s name.
Kazuo Iwaasa’s speech at the Festival of Faith and family documents from Rachel Iwaasa.
‘In memory of Kazuo Iwaasa.’ Speech given in June 1984 by Rabbi Lewis Ginzberg.
MacKenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry – Witness Kazuo Iwaasa. Calgary, Alberta May 14, 1976. Volume 53. pp. 5436 – 5439.
December 11, 2024
Angela Reitsma Bick
Editor- Church on Thin Ice - Lessons from the Quiet Destruction of Faith in Canada
October 4, 2023
Josh Larsen
Radio/Podcast Host, Editor- Fear Not! A Christian Approach to Horror Movies
Sept. 18, 2021
Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne
Executive Director, First United Church Community Ministry Society
and First United Church Social Housing Society- Lessons from the Streets: The liberative wisdom of Brené Brown in addressing multiple existential threats
Sept. 17, 2021
Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne
Executive Director, First United Church Community Ministry Society
and First United Church Social Housing Society- Broken Promises, Broken Systems: An Indigenous view of theodicy in the form of systemic injustice
Oct. 24, 2020
Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Professor of History and Gender Studies
Calvin University- Jesus and John Wayne: An Afternoon with Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Oct. 23, 2020
Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Professor of History and Gender Studies
Calvin University- Who is Evangelical? Defining American Evangelicalism and What's at Stake
Oct. 22, 2020
Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Professor of History and Gender Studies
Calvin University- Why We Want to Kill You: Islamophobia in American Evangelicalism
Nov. 2, 2015
Professors Douglas H. Shantz and David G. Dick
University of Calgary- Panel on Money & Religious Virtue: From the Eye of the Needle to the Prosperity Gospel
Feb. 2, 2015
Panel on Addressing Poverty in Calgary: Issues, Challenges, and Strategies
Derek Cook
Former Executive Director of the Calgary Poverty Reduction Initiative- Why Jesus Didn't Talk Very Much About the Poor | Download »
Darrell Howard
Community Facilitator at Vibrant Communities Calgary- Darrell Howard on Poverty | Download »
Jeff Loomis
Executive Director at Momentum: Community Economic Development Society- Poverty is Not only about money... | Download »
- Poverty presentation | Download »
Jan. 21, 2013
Panel on Homelessness: Bringing Many Perspectives to Bear on a Human Tragedy
Deputy Mayor Gael MacLeod
Deputy Mayor of Calgary- Greetings
Dr. John Rook
CEO, Calgary Homeless Foundation- Homelessness as a social problem
Bishop Fred Henry
Roman Catholic Bishop of Calgary- Homelessness as a spiritual problem
Mr. John Bodman
Formerly homeless for years- Homelessness as a personal problem
Susan Scott
Author of The Beginning of the End- Book signing
Jan. 31, 2012
Dr. John Rook
CEO of Potential Place Society, Calgary- Homeless shelter residents: Who are they and what are their needs in a time of rapid economic growth?
Jan. 30, 2012
Dr. John Rook
CEO of Potential Place Society, Calgary- Am I My Sister’s and Brother’s Keeper? The Ethics of Homelessness and Programs that Work
April 17, 2011
A panel of students from Professor Douglas Shantz's Religious Studies graduate seminar on Christianity in the Age of Pietism and Enlightenment will examine this topic from various perspectives
- How Christian Faith Adapted to the Age of Enlightenment Reason
March 16, 2010
Dr. Ron A. Kuipers
Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto- Cross-Pressured Authenticity: Charles Taylor on Religious Identity in a Secular Age
March 15, 2010
Dr. Ron A. Kuipers
Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto- What's So Critical About Faith? Exploring a Crucial Feature of Human Life
Jan. 29, 2008
Dr. Sallie McFague
Professor of Theology Emerita, Vanderbilt University Distinguised Theologian in Residence, Vancouver School of Theology- Urban Ecology and Religion
March 16, 2009
Professor Douglas H. Shantz, PhD
Holder of the Chair of Christian Thought, University of Calgary- The Place of Religion in a Secular Age: Charles Taylor's Explanation of the Rise and Significance of Secularism in the West
Jan. 28, 2008
Dr. Sallie McFague
Professor of Theology Emerita, Vanderbilt University Distinguised Theologian in Residence, Vancouver School of Theology- Global Warming: A Theological Problem
Oct. 31, 2006
Crawford Gribben
Professor of English and American Studies, University of Manchester- The USA in Rapture Fiction: Evangelicalism’s new Apocalyptic Other
Oct. 30, 2006
Crawford Gribben
Professor of English and American Studies, University of Manchester- Left Behind Fiction and the Evangelical Crisis
Jan. 25, 2006
Mary Jo Leddy
Director of Romero House
Toronto- God and Caesar at the 49th Parallel
Jan. 24, 2006
Mary Jo Leddy
Director of Romero House
Toronto- Canada Chooses Between Two Kinds of Societies: A Punishing Society or a Forgiving Society
Sept. 23-24, 2002
3 Day Symposium: "Religion and Public Life: the Canadian Experience"
Sept. 24, 2002
Dr. David Marshall
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Calgary- The Preacher-Politician and Alberta Society
Sept. 24, 2002
Dr. Marguerite Van Die
Associate Professor, Dept. of History & Theology, Queen's Theological College, Queen's University
Kingston, OntarioResponse:
Dr. David Marshall
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Calgary- Faith and Public Life in Canada and the USA: How Different Are We?
Sept. 23, 2002
Dr. Marguerite Van Die
Associate Professor, Dept. of History & Theology, Queen's Theological College, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario- The End of Christian Canada: Past Perspectives, Present Opportunities
March 6, 2001
Prof. Anne Moore
Instructor in Religious Studies, University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta- Jesus Christ, Movie Star: Depictions of Christ in Modern Film
Nov. 8, 2000
Mary Jo Leddy
Director of the Romero House Community for Refugees and Adjunct Professor at Regis College, University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario- Towards a North American Liberation Theology: Liberating Power
Nov. 7, 2000
Mary Jo Leddy
Director of the Romero House Community for Refugees and Adjunct Professor at Regis College, University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario- Towards a North American Liberation Theology: Liberating Gratitude
Jean-Louis Lebel QC B.A. LL.B LLD was born in Longueil, Quebec and was raised in St. Paul, Alberta, before spending most of his life in Calgary. He belonged to the Roman Catholic faith tradition and was a devoted Canadian citizen, community member, businessman and scholar. He was the third chancellor of the University of Calgary from 1978 to 1982. In the Fall of 1979, he joined with Dr. Peter Craigie in the planning and fundraising initiatives that led to the establishment of the Chair of Christian Thought in 1985.
A graduate of Laval, the University of Alberta, and the Harvard School of Business Administration, he worked for Chevron Standard and was elected Vice-President and Director in 1957. He was appointed to Queen’s Counsel in 1979 and counselled with multiple law firms in addition to serving as a Director and Vice-President of his own consulting firm. A born leader, Lebel was remarkably active in many community and well-being services, most often in a leadership role, including: the Calgary United Appeal, the Vanier Institute, the Alberta Catholic Hospitals Foundation, the Canadian Institute for Child Health, the Alberta Heart Foundation, Boy Scouts and La Société Franco-Canadienne de Calgary, among many others. He served on the University of Calgary Senate from 1974 until he became Chancellor in 1978. In 1985 the University recognized his many contributions by granting him an Honorary Doctorate.
He married his devoted wife Thérèse after meeting her during his time at the University of Alberta. His family fondly remembers his time as Chancellor as a lively period in which they were able to meet a diverse array of scholars and distinguished visitors to Calgary. His primary concern during his time as Chancellor was doing good for the student community, and he was proudly able to confer degrees upon two of daughters during his time as chancellor. A photograph honours Lebel’s memory as a UCalgary Chancellor in the TFDL.
It is a privilege to hold an annual lecture in Christian Ethics in the name of J. Louis Lebel.
February 2, 2024
Sarah Arthurs
Calgary Interfaith CouncilLaurence Howard
Abundant Community Initiative- From Strangers to Neighbours
Dec. 4, 2021
Dr. Warren Kinghorn, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center; Esther Colliflower Associate Professor of the Practice of Pastoral and Moral Theology at Duke Divinity School; co-director of the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School.
- Why Mental Disorders Are Not Brain Disorders (Alone): A Holistic Christian Approach to Mental Health Care
Dec. 3, 2021
Dr. Warren Kinghorn, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center; Esther Colliflower Associate Professor of the Practice of Pastoral and Moral Theology at Duke Divinity School; co-director of the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School.
- What Do Emotions Mean? Aquinas, Descartes, and Modern Mental Health Care
Jan. 30, 2021
Dr. Kate Kirkpatrick
Fellow in Philosophy and Christian Ethics, and Director of Studies in Philosophy
Regent's Park College, University of Oxford- The Death of God and the Lives of Women: An Afternoon with Dr. Kate Kirkpatrick
Jan. 29, 2021
Dr. Kate Kirkpatrick
Fellow in Philosophy and Christian Ethics, and Director of Studies in Philosophy
Regent's Park College, University of Oxford- Existentialism and Exemplars
Jan. 28, 2021
Dr. Kate Kirkpatrick
Fellow in Philosophy and Christian Ethics, and Director of Studies in Philosophy
Regent's Park College, University of Oxford- Writing Simone de Beauvoir
Feb. 2, 2016
Eric Wasylenko, MD, MHSc
Palliative Care Physician and Practicing Clinical Ethicist- Medicine, Mercy & Humility: Ethics & Physician Assisted Death
Feb. 1, 2016
Eric Wasylenko, MD, MHSc
Palliative Care Physician and Practicing Clinical Ethicist- Medicine, Mercy & Humility: Ethics & Physician Assisted Death
March 9, 2015
Professor Douglas H. Shantz
Department of Classics and Religion
University of Calgary- The Moravian Tradition of Recording One’s Spiritual Journey: Practice, Significance, Examples
Nov. 5, 2013
Dr. Molly Worthen
Assistant Professor, Department of History
University of North Carolina- Holy Minded: Evangelicals & the Problem of Anti-Intellectualism
Nov. 4, 2013
Dr. Molly Worthen
Assistant Professor, Department of History
University of North Carolina- Culture War & the Continental Divide: Rival Evangelicalisms in North American Political Life
Nov. 20, 2012
Former MP Bill Blaikie
Director, Knowles-Woodsworth Centre for Theology and Public Policy
University of Winnipeg- The Left-Hand of God: Why There will Always be a Religious Left in Canadian Politics
Nov. 19, 2012
Former MP Bill Blaikie
Director, Knowles-Woodsworth Centre for Theology and Public Policy
University of Winnipeg- Faith & Politics: Reflections on the Roots of Canada’s Current Parliament
March 13, 2012
Dr. Ramez Boutros
University of Toronto- Early women's Monasticism in Egypt
March 12, 2012
Dr. Ramez Boutros
University of Toronto- The Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt: Literary & Archaeological Sources
Feb. 7, 2011
Dr. Douglas H. Shantz
PhD, Professor of Christian Thought, University of Calgary- The Church & the Academy: What an Historian of Christianity Can Offer the Church of Today
Feb. 7, 2011
Dr. Roy Darcus
- Response of Dr. Roy Darcus to Prof. Douglas Shantz’s Lecture, The Church and the Academy
Nov. 3, 2009
Professor Doris Bergen
Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Chair in Holocaust Studies, University of Toronto- Christian Churches in the Third Reich
Nov. 3, 2009
Dr. Kyle T. Jantzen
Ambrose University College- The Sword of the Lord: Hitler's Chaplains
Feb. 3, 2009
Dr. Otto Selles
Professor French, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI- Tolerance and "Fanaticism": The Huguenot Sect of the Multipliers (Montpellier, France, 1720-1723)
Feb. 2, 2009
Dr. Otto Selles
Professor French, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI- Tolerance: Vice or Virtue?
Sept. 21, 2007
Dr. Errol P. Mendes
Professor of Law, University of Ottawa
Professor Gregory A. Daneke
Chair of Business Ethics, University of Calgary- The Moral Argument against the Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Call for a New Moral and Spiritual Approach
Sept. 20, 2007
Dr. Errol P. Mendes
Professor of Law, University of Ottawa- The Moral Argument for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Call for a New Moral and Spiritual Approach
Sept. 20, 2007
John B. McWilliams, QC,
Former Senior Vice-President, General Counsel of Nexen Inc.- Making a Difference Without Succumbing to Temptation: One Corporate Experience
Jan. 30, 2007
Dr. Ian Markham
Professor of Theology and Ethics, Hartford Seminary, Hartford CT- Neither Conservative nor Liberal: A Theology of Christian Engagement with Non-Christian Traditions
Jan. 29, 2007
Dr. Ian Markham
Professor of Theology and Ethics, Hartford Seminary, Hartford CT- Open Orthodoxy and Same-Sex Marriage: Where Should Christians Stand?
March 6, 2006
Dr. Douglas H. Shantz
PhD, Professor of Christian Thought, University of Calgary- What Are They Saying about Conversion? New Insights, Many Models
Nov. 5, 2002
Dr. Margaret Miles Dillenberger
Professor of Historical Theology, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California- Religious Studies in a Religiously Plural Society
Nov. 4, 2002
Dr. Margaret Miles Dillenberger
Professor of Historical Theology, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California- The Flesh Made Word: Augustine and the Christian Body
Sept. 25, 2001
Margaret Somerville
Founding Director of the McGill University Center for Medicine, Ethics and Law- Searching for Ethics in Science and Medicine: The Challenge in a Secular Society
Feb. 6-7, 2001
Father Hugh Feiss OSB
Monastery of the Ascension, Idaho- Contemplation: What It is and Why We Need It
Cecil Swanson (“Swanny”) was born in 1889 in London, England. He was educated in local council schools, proceeding to public school on a scholarship funded by the London County Council on its Scotch whisky tax. He remembered the discipline as well as the excellent education. He was involved in the church from an early age, belonging to choir and Bible class. Thus it was that, just after failing to win a Cambridge scholarship, he was at church when a visiting clergyman from Saskatchewan appealed for volunteers to work in western Canada. Swanny and seven other young men embarked for Toronto in 1908 where he enrolled in the university, and graduated in eastern languages with an emphasis on Hebrew. He then attended Wycliffe College for theological studies and graduated in 1913. He was introduced to western Canada during his time at Wycliffe by going to Saskatchewan to gain experience in missions. Swanny was ordained deacon in December of 1912 and during the first half of 1913 graduated from Wycliffe, married Enid Schnieder, visited England, and moved to the Yukon to begin his ministry.
Swanny's first charge was to establish a mission at Little Salmon. His rectory was a tent, soon replaced by a log cabin, complete with turf roof. That first year he built a log church, ministering largely to Indigenous peoples of the area (likely the Northern Tutchone people of the Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation), dog sledding, making and using fishing nets, hunting and living off the land with his wife in the frigid temperatures of the north. He was made Rector of Whitehorse in 1914. In 1918 he went to Victoria, where he became vicar of Metchosin. Swanny and Enid had two children by this time so they did some small-scale farming in order to help provide for their family. The family stayed there until 1920, during which time he instigated the building of the present Victoria Cathedral. In 1920 he was called to Christ Church, Vancouver (later to become the Cathedral). In 1922 was relocated to St. Augustine's Church in Lethbridge. Swanny spent the next ten years ministering to his own congregation as well as to several mission churches throughout southern Alberta. In 1932 he was called to St. Stephen's Church in Calgary, where he remained until he was relocated once again to Christ Church Cathedral in Vancouver in 1940 as the dean. It was a busy time for the cathedral and for Swanson, especially after the events of Pearl Harbour in December 1941. People flocked to church; congregations of 1000 were commonplace, with up to ten weddings per Saturday, and evening services were broadcast.
In 1953 Swanny was called to St. Paul's, Bloor St. in Toronto. Before taking up the position he was given a memorable gift by the congregation in Vancouver – a trip to England which included attendance at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. Swanny returned to Toronto to take up what would be his final charge before retirement. In 1954 Swanny was elected bishop of the Cariboo but declined the honour, considering himself insufficiently holy.
Swanny was a member of General Synod, the parliament of the Anglican Church of Canada from 1920, and was made a member of the Order of Canada in 1978. He was chairman of the house of clergy and laity from 1953 – 1960. In 1960, at the age of 70, he retired to Calgary and was, until the time of his death, honorary associate priest at Christ Church Elbow Park. Swanny was known to many and was widely admired and loved. His aim was to preach God's love, a love which he was able to show in all circumstances. He fostered tolerance and understanding between people of different walks of life and religious beliefs. He was a very early ecumenist and lost no chance to bring different denominations of the Christian Church together. One of his most endearing beliefs was that one did not have to be solemn in church 100% of the time, and he never lost sight of the basic simplicity of all church forms and teachings. He passed away in 1984.
It is a privilege to hold an annual lecture on Christian Spirituality in the name of Archdeacon Cecil “Swanny” Swanson.
- Biographical information compiled by Betty Craigie
Dec. 5, 2020
Dr. Bernard McGinn
Naomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology and of the History of Christianity
Divinity School, University of Chicago- What is Mysticism? An Afternoon with Dr. Bernard McGinn
Dec. 4, 2020
Dr. Bernard McGinn
Naomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology and of the History of Christianity
Divinity School, University of Chicago- The Compassion of the Mystics
Dec. 2, 2020
Dr. Bernard McGinn
Naomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology and of the History of Christianity
Divinity School, University of Chicago- Perspectives on Prayer from Meister Eckhart and Julian of Norwich
March 7, 2016
Dr. Douglas H. Shantz
PhD, Professor of Christian Thought, University of Calgary- How Should We Study and Teach Religion? Some Reflections after 33 Years
March 7, 2016
Tinu Ruparell
PhD, Head, Department of Classics and Religion
University of Calgary- How to Teach Religion: A Response to Prof. Douglas Shantz’ Swanson Lecture in Christian Spirituality
Nov. 4, 2014
Rev. Raymond C. Aldred
Assistant Professor of Theology
Ambrose University, Calgary- A Communal Theology of Holistic Engagement with Creation
- A Communal Theology of Holistic Engagement with Creation
Nov. 3, 2014
Rev. Raymond C. Aldred
Assistant Professor of Theology
Ambrose University, Calgary- Stories From the Edge: Aboriginal Insights in an Uncertain World
- Stories From the Edge: Aboriginal Insights in an Uncertain World
March 11, 2014
Dr. Hartmut Lehmann
Professor of Modern History, University of Kiel- 2017 - Germany’s Quincentenary Celebration of the Reformation in an Age of Religious Pluralism and Secularization
March 10, 2014
Dr. Hartmut Lehmann
University of KielDr. Douglas H. Shantz
University of Calgary- A Panel on Presenting German Pietism to a North American Audience
March 5, 2013
Professor Heather Coleman
Canada Research Chair in Imperial Russian History
Department of History & Classics, University of Alberta- Studying Russian Religion since the Collapse of Communism
March 4, 2013
Professor Heather Coleman
Canada Research Chair in Imperial Russian History
Department of History & Classics, University of Alberta- Religious Freedom in Russia Today
Oct. 18, 2011
Peter C. Erb
Professor Emeritus of Religion, WLU- John Henry Newman’s The Idea of a University and its continuing Relevance
Oct. 17, 2011
Peter C. Erb
Professor Emeritus of Religion, WLU- John Henry Newman’s Conversion and Path to Sainthood
Nov. 8, 2010
Dr. Mark T. Mealey
PhD, University of Toronto- John Wesley's Challenge & Response to Modernity
Oct. 6, 2009
Rev. John Vissers, PhD
Principal, The Presbyterian College, Montreal, and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University- Calvin & Canadian Protestantism: The Thought & Influence of W.W. Bryden
Oct. 5, 2009
Rev. John Vissers, PhD
Principal, The Presbyterian College, Montreal, and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University- Life with God: The Spiritual Theology of John Calvin
Nov. 17, 2008
Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, Ph.D.
Director of the Aspen Wisdom School- Encountering the Wisdom Jesus
- The Wisdom Jesus encounters the Jesus Seminar
Oct. 29, 2007
Dr. Douglas H. Shantz
University of Calgary- What Evangelicals Should Know about Martin Luther: How Evangelicalism Departed from its Reformation Roots
Oct. 29, 2007
Dr. Mark T. Mealey
Rocky Mountain College, Calgary, AB- Response to Douglas Shantz
Oct. 29, 2007
Dr. Paul Knudtson
Rocky Mountain College, Calgary, AB- Response to Douglas Shantz
Sept. 26, 2006
Professor Charles L. Quarles
Associate Professor of Religion, Louisiana College, Pineville, Louisiana- How Useful are the Lost Gospels for Historical Jesus Research?
Sept. 25, 2006
Professor David Bershad
University of CalgaryProfessor Michael Duggan
St. Mary’s University CollegeProfessor Anne Moore
University of Calgary- The DaVinci Code: The Movie, the Book
Nov. 15, 2005
Dr. Bonnie Thurston
Former Professor of New Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary- Zeal for the Glory of the One God: Thomas Merton and Islam
Nov. 14, 2005
Dr. Bonnie Thurston
Former Professor of New Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary- I woke up': Thomas Merton and Buddhism
Oct. 28, 2003
Dr. Susan Felch
Professor of English, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI- Noble Gentlewomen Famous for their Learning. The Public Roles of Women in Elizabethan England
Oct. 27, 2003
Dr. Susan Felch
Professor of English, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI- Naming the Animals: Genesis Two as a Prototype for the Project of Christian Scholarship
Sept. 30, 2003
Dr. Dennis Martin
Associate Professor of Historical Theology, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois- Having Faith in History: Critical Empathy in Understanding Medieval Devotion to Christ
Sept. 29, 2003
Dr. Dennis Martin
Associate Professor of Historical Theology, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois- Doing What Comes Naturally: Pope John Paul II on Sacrificial Love in Politics, Economics and World Conflict
March 3, 2003
Dr. Douglas H. Shantz
Associate Professor of Christian Thought, University of Calgary- A Church Ahead of its Time: The 18th Century Moravian Community on Gender, Worship and Ecumenism
Nov. 26-27, 2001
Paul Knitter
Professor at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio- Where are we with Inter-Faith Dialogue?
Sept. 22, 2001
Dr. Michael W. Higgins
Professor of Religious Studies and English, St. Jerome’s University, Waterloo, Ontario- The Tower of Babel and the Silent-Speaking Poet
March 17, 2001
Wayne McCready
Professor of Religious Studies, University of Calgary- The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of Christianity
Sept. 21-24, 2000
Michael Higgins
Professor and President at St. Jerome’s University, Waterloo, Ontario- Insights on the Spiritual Journey: A Public Symposium focussed on the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton
Sept. 21-24, 2000
Lynn Szabo
Sessional Instructor, Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C.- The Seven Storeys of Thomas Merton’s Mountain: Spiritual Mappings for the Twenty-first Century
Feb. 9, 2013
Dr. Pieternella Van Doorn-Harder
- Sixth Annual Coptic Studies Symposium: Coptic Heritage: Traditions & Transitions
Oct. 1, 2005
Preston Manning
President and CEO of the newly formed Manning Centre for Building Democracy- Address by Preston Manning at The 20th Anniversary Dinner for the Chair of Christian Thought
Sept. 20, 2005
Denis Renevey
Chair of Medieval English Literature, University of Lausanne- Mystical Feeling in Late Medieval England: An Assessment of the Textual Evidence
Sept. 19, 2005
Denis Renevey
Chair of Medieval English Literature, University of Lausanne- Devotion to the Name of Jesus in Medieval England
June 8, 2005
Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi
General Secretary, The World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC)Respondents:
Dr. Mark Durieux, Dr. Anne Moore, Rev. Leslie Walker- Interreligious Dialogue in a Global Setting: An African Perspective on the Future of Christianity
April 9, 2005
Charles Nienkirchen
Professor of Christian History and Spirituality, Nazarene University College, Calgary- Spiritual Direction in Ancient and Ecumenical Perspective: Discovering Possibilities for Contemporary Spiritual Growth
March 8, 2005
Prof. Reginald Bibby
Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, Alberta- Restless Gods: The Problem with Posing a Renaissance
March 7, 2005
Prof. Reginald Bibby
Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, Alberta- The Renaissance of Religion in Canada: Recuperative Powers of Canadian Religious Groups
Feb. 1, 2005
Arlette Zinck
Associate Professor, Department of English, King’s University College, EdmontonJohn Sneep
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, The King’s University College, Edmonton- Learning to Read Salvation: Psychological & Spiritual Change in Bunyan’s Grace Abounding and The Pilgrim’s Progress
Jan. 31, 2005
Arlette Zinck
Associate Professor, Department of English, King’s University College, Edmonton- Of Holy Men & Holy Wars: John Bunyan reads Bush and Bin Laden
Nov. 2, 2004
Craig A. Evans
Payzant Distinguished Professor New Testament- Messianic Hopes & Messianic Figures in Late Antiquity
Nov. 1, 2004
Craig A. Evans
Payzant Distinguished Professor New Testament- What Are They Saying About the Historical Jesus
Sept. 28, 2004
Wesley A. Kort
Professor of Religion, Duke University
Durham, North Carolina- Conrad's London and the Future of Sacred Space
Sept. 27, 2004
Wesley A. Kort
Professor of Religion, Duke University
Durham, North Carolina- C.S. Lewis and the Anatomy of Pleasure
May 17, 2004
Brian Keating
Head, Conservation Outreach, Calgary Zoological SocietyTinu Ruparell
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, University of CalgaryElaine Park
Professor, English, St. Mary's College- Evening Discussion of The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
March 9, 2004
Douglas John Hall
Emeritus Professor of Christian Theology, McGill University- Rediscovering Dietrich Bonhoeffer Bonhoeffer's Ethic of the Cross
March 8, 2004
Douglas John Hall
Emeritus Professor of Christian Theology, McGill University- Between Fundamentalism and Liberalism: Karl Barth on the Bible
Feb. 3, 2004
Rudy Wiebe
Award-winning Canadian novelist
Edmonton, AB- "The Archaeology of a Novel." The Blue Mountains of China as Site
Feb. 2, 2004
Rudy Wiebe
Award-winning Canadian novelist
Edmonton, AB- Climbing Mountains that do Not Yet Exist. The Fiction Writer at Work
Nov. 10, 1999
Dr. Douglas H. Shantz
Associate Professor of Christian Thought
University of Calgary- Longing for the Millennium: Christian End-time Expectations and Historical Explanation
Sept. 21, 1999
Dr. James R. Payton
Professor of History
Redeemer College- Eastern Orthodoxy: Hellenized Christianity? Christianity and Culture in the Orthodox Paradigm
Sept. 20, 1999
Dr. James R. Payton
Professor of History
Redeemer College- Dialogue with Eastern Orthodoxy: What Western Christians Can Learn from the Orthodox