The Numata Chair is named for Dr. Yehan Numata (1897-1994), chairman of the Mitutoyo Manufacturing Company. A devout Buddhist, Dr. Numata believed that the dissemination of the Buddhist teachings would be beneficial to humanity; he made the international promotion of Buddhism a lifelong project.
The Numata Endowment sponsored international scholars who resided at the University of Calgary for one term or longer to teach, conduct research, and give public lectures from 1988 to 2006. Since 2008, the Chair has been a tenured position.
Current Chair

Dr. Wendi Adamek
Wendi L. Adamek is Professor in the Department of Classics and Religion at the University of Calgary and holder of the Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies. Her research interests include medieval Chinese Buddhism, Buddhist art and archeology, Yogācāra, contemporary phenomenology, and permaculture.
Available through the University of Hamburg Buddhist Studies Series, her 2021 book Practicescapes and the Buddhists of Baoshan is a multidisciplinary study of a seventh-century community in Henan, China. Previous publications include The Mystique of Transmission: On an Early Chan History and its Contexts (AAR Award for Excellence in Textual Studies, 2008) and The Teachings of Master Wuzhu (2011). She has also published a YA novel, Kunlun.
Born in Hawai’i, she earned her degrees at Stanford University and has held research fellowships at Kyoto University (Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai and Fulbright), Peking University (NEH and Fulbright), the Stanford Humanities Center, the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and the Calgary Institute for the Humanities.
An interview with Wendi L. Adamek: New Books in Buddhist Studies Podcast. Wendi L. Adamek, Practicescapes and the Buddhists of Baoshan (Hamburg Buddhist Studies, 2021).
"Rehumanizing the Dynamics of Exchange.” Workshop, “Buddhism and Social Change.” Dharma Drum Vancouver, Sept. 21, 2019.
Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies
Department of Classics & Religion
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary AB Canada T2N 1N4
Chairholder: Dr. Wendi Adamek
Office: Social Sciences 520
Phone: 403.220.3073
Email: numatach@ucalgary.ca
Sept. – Dec. 1988
Akira Yuyama
Jan. – April 1991
Michael Hahn
Sept. – Dec. 1991
James Boyd
Sept. – Dec. 1993
Charles Prebish
Jan. – April 1994
Paul Williams
Sept. – Dec. 1995
Tom Tillemans
Sept. – Dec. 1996
Shoryu Katsura
Jan. – April 2000
K. L. Dhammajoti
Sept. – Dec. 2000
John Clifford Holt
Jan. – April 2001
T. Tillemans
Sept. – Dec. 2001
Y. Karunadasa
Sept. – Dec. 2001 | Sept. – June 2003/04
Charles Willemen
Sept. – Apr. 2004/05
Eva Neumaier
Sept. – Dec. 2006
John Clifford Holt
Learn about past lectures and talks and read papers given by our distinguished guests.
March 21, 2025
Mengxiao Wang
University of Southern California- Theatre of Enlightenment: Chinese Buddhists on Playacting and Spectatorship
February 28, 2025
John S. Harding
University of Lethbridge- The Annual Leslie. S. Kawamura Lecture - Local Stories, Global Buddhism: Centering Rural Alberta’s Shin Buddhism
February 27, 2025
John S. Harding
University of Lethbridge- Leslie Kawamura at the Confluence of Transnational Buddhism and Buddhist Studies
March 22, 2024
Peter D. Hershock
East-West Center, Honolulu- The Annual Leslie S. Kawamura Lecture - Consciousness, Matter, and What Matters: Where Science and Ethics Converge
March 21, 2024
Peter D. Hershock
East-West Center, Honolulu- Machine Consciousness: An Evolutionary Frontier
November 10, 2023
Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza
Linfield University, Oregon- Flourishing and Meaning with Japanese Dō and TEA (Transformative Expression and Appreciation)
October 20, 2023
Jessica Zu
University of Southern California, Dornsife Schoool of ReligionBodhisattva of Democracy: Reinventing Yoga Bodhisattva Precepts as Rules for Democratic Deliberation
February 9, 2023
Tulku Neten Rinpoche
Toronto, Canada- How to Cultivate Compassion and Wisdom
March 3, 2023
Dr. Anne Dutton
Yale University- The Annual Leslie S. Kawamura Memorial Lecture — Medicalizing Mysticism: Perspectives on the Assimilation of Mindfulness and Psychedelics in the Psychological Sciences
Nov. 3, 2017
Dr. Eric Huntington
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ho Center for Buddhist Studies, Stanford University- Recentering Buddhist Cosmology: Concepts of Geographic Space in Ritual and Art
March 16, 2016
Dr. David Hoy
Visiting Scholar, University of Calgary- The Annual Leslie S. Kawamura Memorial Lecture — Awakening from the Illusion of our Separation: A Buddhist Perspective on the Ecological Crisis
March 24, 2015
Richard K. Payne
Dean and Yehan Numata Professor of Japanese Buddhist Studies
Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, CA- The Annual Leslie S. Kawamura Memorial Lecture — Strategies in Studying the Homa: Ritual Studies, History, Syntax
March 23, 2015
Richard K. Payne
Dean and Yehan Numata Professor of Japanese Buddhist Studies
Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, CA- The Annual Leslie S. Kawamura Memorial Lecture — The Study of Buddhist Tantra: State of the Art
April 17, 2015
Dr. Frederick M. Smith
Professor of Sanskrit and Classical Indian Literature
Departments of Religious Studies, and Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Iowa- Possession as Demonic and Oracular, and Possession as Metaphor, in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism
Dec. 2, 2014
Professor Bee Scherer
Chair in Comparative Religion, Gender and Sexuality
Canterbury Christ Church University, U.K.- Variant Dharma: Buddhist queers, queered Buddhisms
Sept. 18, 2014
Professor Wendy Swartz
Associate Professor of Chinese Literature, Rutgers University- A Poet’s Repertoire in Early Medieval China
Oct. 8, 2013
Anne Carolyn Klein/Rigzin Drolma
Department of Religious Studies
Rice University- The Third Annual Leslie S. Kawamura Memorial Lecture — Vision, Song and Self: Contemplative Practice in Western and Tibetan Landscapes
Oct. 7, 2013
Anne Carolyn Klein/Rigzin Drolma
Department of Religious Studies
Rice University- The Third Annual Leslie S. Kawamura Memorial Lecture — Nine Vehicles, One Path: Short Takes from Jigme Lingpa and Longchen Rabjam
Sept. 25, 2012
Dr. Gregory Schopen
University of California, Los Angeles and Brown University- The Leslie S. Kawamura Memorial Lecture — Debt, Slavery, and Monasticism: The Limited Reach of Formal Doctrine in Buddhist and Christian Monastic Settings
Sept. 24, 2012
Dr. Gregory Schopen
University of California, Los Angeles and Brown University- On the Fragrance of the Buddha, the Scent of Monuments, and the Odor of Images
April 3, 2012
Dr. Lara Braitstein
McGill University- Doringpa’s ‘spiritual biography’ (rnam thar) & the 10th Shamarpa: on the Trail of an 18th century Renegade Lama
April 2, 2012
Dr. Lara Braitstein
McGill University- Composing Awakening: Saraha and his Adamantine Songs
Oct. 5, 2011
Dr. Chen-kuo Lin
National ChengChi University- Epistemology and Meditation in Jingyin Huiyuan’s Essay on “Three Measures of Cognition”
Oct. 4, 2011
Dr. Chen-kuo Lin
National ChengChi University- Understanding Buddhist Epistemology in Medieval China: A Cross-Cultural Reflection
Sept. 20, 2011
Dr. Jonathan Silk
Leiden University- The Inaugural Leslie S. Kawamura Memorial Lecture — Toward a Meaningful Academic Study of Buddhism
Sept. 19, 2011
Dr. Jonathan
Silk Leiden University- What Can Students of Indian Buddhist Literature Learn from Biblical Text Criticism?
Aug. 25, 2011
Sakya Trizin
- The Virtue of Compassion in Difficult Times
April 5, 2011
Dr. Collett Cox
University of Washington- The Dawn of Dogma: Commentary and Abhidharma Scholasticism in the Ancient Buddhist Texts of Gandhāra
April 4, 2011
Dr. Collett Cox
University of Washington- Beginning at the Beginning: Research on the Oldest Surviving Buddhist Manuscripts
Oct. 26, 2010
Dr. Ronald Davidson
Fairfield University- Mahayana Buddhist rituals and the method of coded phrases (dhāraṇī)
Feb. 5, 2010
Thupten Jinpa Institute of Tibetan Classics, Canada Center for Compassion, and Altruism Research and Education Stanford University, USA
- The Role of Compassion in Tibet's Assimilation of Buddhism
Sept. 24, 2009
Dr. James Apple
- The Dalai Lamas: A cultural Heritage of Embodied Compassion
April, 2009
Numata Symposium hosts Buddhism scholars
Oct. 8, 2008
Dr. Leslie Kawamura
Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies- Thervada: Now and Then - Rethinking Approaches to the Study of Buddhism in S. and S.E. Asia
Nov. 8, 2006
Dr. John Holt
Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies- The State of Buddhist Studies in Canadian Universities
April 5, 2005
Dr. Eva Neumaier
Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies- bSam gtan mig sgron and the rDzog chen Quotations: A Study in the Production of Tibetan Texts
May 14-15, 2004
Past Chairholders: Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti (Sri Lanka), Michael Hahn (Germany), John Holt (U.S.A.), Yakupitiyage Karunadasa (Sri Lanka), Shoryu Katsura (Japan), Charles Prebish (U.S.A), Tom Tillemans (Switzerland), Charles Willemen (Belgium), Paul Williams (England)
- Numata 15th Anniversary Symposium, reuniting past Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies Chairholders
March 4, 2004
Dr. Charles Willemen
Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies- The Sutra "School" in Nara Japan
Nov. 14, 2002
Dr. Charles Willemen
Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies- From Where Did Zen Come?
Fall 2001
Yakupitiyage Karunadasa International Buddhist University, Thailand
- The Early Buddhist Teaching On the Practice of the Moral Life
Winter 2001
Thomas Tillemans U. Lausanne
Switzerland- Trying to be Fair to Madhyamika Buddhism
Fall 2000
John Clifford
Holt Bowdoin College- The Hindu Buddha and the Buddhist Visnu: Religious Transformations in India and Sri Lanka
Winter 2000
Kuala L. Dhammajot
Kelaniya University- The Sarvastivada Doctrine of Simultaneous Causality
Fall 1996
Shoryu Katsura Hiroshima University
- How did the Buddhists prove something? The Nature of Buddhist Logic
Fall 1995
Thomas Tillemans U. Lausanne
Switzerland- What Would it Be Like to Be Selfless? Hinayanist Versions, Mahayanist Versions and Derek Parfit