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Noushin Mehran

M.A. Greek and Roman Studies
Pronouns: she/her/hers


Master of Arts Student (Thesis-based)

Faculty of Arts, Department of Classics and Religion

Contact information


Educational Background

M.A. Philosophy of Art, Art University of Tehran, 2022

B.A. Dramatic Literature, Art University of Tehran, 2019


I was born and raised in Esfahan, Iran, and earned a B.A. in Dramatic Literature from the Art University of Tehran. For my final undergraduate project, I explored the classical structure of Greek tragedies, which led me to pursue further studies in the Philosophy of Art—one of the closest fields to Classics available in Iran—with a focus on rhetoric in Plato’s dialogues. My first M.A. thesis was titled "On Rhetoric: Based on Plato's Gorgias."

Building on this foundation, I began a second M.A. in Greek and Roman Studies at the University of Calgary, where my research examines women's rhetoric in Plato. I intend to continue this line of inquiry, and expand my study to classical Athen's philosophy and literature in the near future.

Beyond English as my second language, I am a native Persian speaker and have proficiency in Ancient Greek (advanced), Latin (intermediate), and academic French.


  • Luke Bridgewater Memorial Scholarship, The University of Calgary - Department of Classics and Religion . 2023
  • Transformative Talent Internship Award , The University of Calgary - Faculty of Graduate Studies. 2024
  • Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) - International, The Government of Alberta (Alberta Advanced Education). 2024