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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in the Vancouver Sun

Alberta in 'uncharted territory' as it braces for oil price crash and global downturn: Kenney

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics and Barry Cooper, Political Science, in International Business Times

Wexit: Why Some People In Western Canada Want To Secede From The Country

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in HuffPost Canada

An Alberta Provincial Sales Tax Could Help The Deficit. But Will It Ever Happen?

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, on Global News Radio Danielle Smith Show

Alberta budget breakdown

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in the Edmonton Journal

Kenney's budget says an Alberta rebound is coming, as government spending keeps shrinking

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in Maclean's

Happy that Alberta’s oil-fuelled party is over? Think again.

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in the National Post

Alberta must juggle sluggish economy, big deficits, lost jobs in upcoming budget

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in iPolitics

Study says fiscal stabilization program ripe for immediate, long-term reforms

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In the News: Aidan Hollis, Economics, in MedCityNews

How much will drug price controls harm innovation? It depends

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