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In the News: Global News Calgary

Chambers of commerce look forward to see UCP plan to turn around Alberta’s economy

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In the News: Globe and Mail

Coming soon: Jason Kenney’s economic reality check

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In the News: My Lloydminster Now

Kenney calls for Alta-Sask free-trade zone

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In the News: The Narwhal

Alberta: spending more than we really earn, since 1970

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In the News: Calgary Herald

Opinion: Carbon tax is short-changing Albertans in electricity sector

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In the News: The Star Edmonton

Party policy platforms: What you need to know before you head to the polls

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In the News: Globe and Mail

Alberta’s recovery was on track. Then it hit a major snag

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In the News: CBC Saskatchewan

A tale of 2 taxes: how carbon pricing and revenue rolls out in Alberta versus Sask.

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In the News: CBC Calgary

What UCP's plan to kill Alberta's carbon tax might actually mean at the pump

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In the News: Toronto Star

Alberta political leaders must take action on estimated $40- to $70-billion in oil and gas well liabilities, researchers say

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