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In the News: Calgary Herald

Breakenridge: Let's shelve the silly idea of an equalization referendum

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In the News: Toronto Star

What do you want to know about the Alberta election? Ask us and we’ll try to find out

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In the News: CBC Manitoba

From filling tanks to filing taxes, how the new carbon tax will affect Manitobans

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In the News: Globe and Mail

In Alberta, a sour electorate heads to the polls

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In the News: Globe and Mail

Alberta NDP promises billions in new spending, balanced budget in five years

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In the News: Global Edmonton

Alberta election panel discusses issues facing province’s oil and gas industry

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In the News: Calgary Herald

Billions of dollars into the election campaign, Notley insists promises fit into a 2023 balanced budget

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In the News: The Star Calgary

Alberta NDP proposes provincewide cap for child care at $25 per day

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In the News: Global Edmonton

Alberta Election Fact Check: UCP claims NDP’s plan killed 48,000 jobs in 4 months

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In the News: Calgary Herald

Duelling visions on energy and pipelines to dominate election battle

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