Placeholder Profile Image

Dr Charles Mather

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-6426


Office: ES754


Educational Background

B.A. Anthropology, University of Waterloo, 1992

Doctor of Philosophy Archaeology, University of Calgary, 1999


Course number Course title Semester
ANTH 631 LEC 01 Anthropological Theory I Fall 2022
ANTH 441 LEC 01 01 Problems in the Anth of Health Winter 2023
ANTH 341 LEC 01 01 Medical Anthropology Fall 2022
ANTH 411 LEC 01 01 Methods & Analysis for ANTH Winter 2023


  • Enacting Maasai and Palaeoanthropological Versions of Drought in Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania. Lee, Patrick, Samson Koromo, Julio Mercader, and Charles Mather. Science and Technology Studies.. 34(1): 43–64. (2020)
  • Scientific facts and oral traditions in Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania: Symmetrically analysing palaeoanthropological and Maasai black boxes.. Lee, Patrick, Samson Koromo, Julio Mercader, and Charles Mather. Social Science Information.. 58(1): 57-83.. (2019)
  • Understanding ethno-cultural differences in cardiac medication adherence behavior: a Canadian study.. King-Shier, Kathryn, Hude Quan, Charles Mather, Eric Chong, Pam LeBlanc, & Nadia Khan. Patient preference and adherence.. 12:1737-1747.. (2018)
  • Ethno-Cultural Considerations in Cardiac Patients’ Medication Adherence. . King-Shier, Kathryn, Shaminder Singh, Nadia Khan, Pam LeBlanc, J.C. Lowe, Charles Mather, E. Chong, and Hude Quan. Clinical Nursing Research.. 26(5): 576-591.. (2017)
  • The influence of ethnicity and gender on navigating an acute coronary syndrome event. . King-Shier, Kathryn, Shaminder Singh, Pam LeBlanc, Charles Mather, Rebecca Humphrey, Hude Quan, and Nadia Khan. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing . 14(3):240-247. (2015)
  • Implications of Design on Infection Prevention and Control Practice in a Novel Hospital Unit: The Medical Ward of the 21st Century. . VanSteelandt, Amanda, John Conly, William Ghali, and Charles Mather. Anthropology and Medicine . 22(2): 149-161.. (2015)
  • Understanding the influence of urban- or rural-living on cardiac patients' decisions about diet and physical activity: descriptive decision modeling. . King-Shier, Kathryn, Pamela LeBlanc, and Charles Mather. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 50(11):1513-1523.. (2013)
  • Weight and patients’ decision to undergo cardiac surgery. . King-Shier, Kathryn, Pam LeBlanc, Charles Mather, Sarah Sandham, Cydnee Seneviratne, and Andrew Maitland. Clinical Nursing Research . 22(2):228-249.. (2012)
  • Understanding coronary artery disease patients’ decisions regarding the use of chelation therapy for coronary artery disease: Descriptive decision modeling.. King-Shier, Kathryn, Hude Quan, Charles Mather, Marja J. Verhoef, Merrill Knutson, William A. Ghali. International Journal of Nursing Studies . 49(9): 1074-1083.. (2012)
  • Insider Anthropology and the Study of the Canadian Forces Reserves.. MacIsaac, Derek, Charles Mather, and Anne Irwin. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies . 11(4):1-27.. (2009)
  • Understanding nursing on an acute stroke unit: Perceptions of space, time, and interprofessional Practice. . Seneviratne, Cydnee, Karen Then, and Charles Mather. Journal of Advanced Nursing . 10:1872-1881.. (2009)
  • Older immigrant Sikh men's perspective of the challenges of managing coronary heart disease risk. . Bedi, Harminder, Pamela LeBlanc, Lisa McGregor, Charles Mather, and Kathryn King. Journal of Men’s Health . 5(3):218-226.. (2008)
  • Meanings of the heart among Sikh immigrant women with cardiovascular disease. . Mather, Charles, Kathryn King, and Pam LeBlanc. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches . 1(1): 39-51.. (2008)
  • Gender-Based Challenges Faced by Older Sikh Women as Immigrants: Recognizing and Acting on the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease. . King, Kathryn, Pam LeBlanc, Julianne Sanguins, and Charles Mather . Canadian Journal of Nursing Research . 38(1): 16-40.. (2006)
  • Medical innovation, unmet medical need, and the drug pipeline.. Mather, Charles. Canadian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 13(1): e85-e91.. (2006)
  • Traditional taboos in biological conservation: the case of Colobus Vellorosus at the Boabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary, Central Ghana. . Saj, Tania, Charles Mather, and Pascale Sicotte. Social Science Information. 45:285-310.. (2006)
  • Time and the structuring of ritual performance in the xenotransplantation debate.. Bickford, Julia, Charles Mather, & Usher Fleising. Public Understanding of Science. 14(3): 235-247.. (2005)
  • Accusations of genital theft: A case from Northern Ghana. . Mather, Charles. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. 29(1):33-52. . (2005)
  • The pipeline and the porcupine: Alternate metaphors of the physician-industry relationship. . Mather, Charles. Social Science and Medicine . 60(6):1323-1334.. (2005)
  • Unpacking Animal Metaphors for Commercial Relationships in the Biotechnology Industry. . Mather, Charles, Julia Bickford, and Usher Fleising. New Genetics and Society . 23(2):187-203.. (2004)
  • Translating Knowledge from Bench to Bedside: The Controversial Social Life of t-PA. . Mather, Charles, Liam Taylor, and Usher Fleising. Risk Management: An International Journal. 6(2):49-60.. (2004)
  • Shrines and the domestication of landscape. . Mather, Charles. Journal of Anthropological Research . 59(1): 23-45.. (2002)
  • Lineage organization of the Tallensi Compound: The social logic of domestic space in Northern Ghana. . Gabrilopoulos, Nick, Charles Mather, and Roland Apentiik. Africa . 72(2):221-244.. (2002)
  • Kusasi Ancestor Shrines and Compound Space. . Mather, Charles. In Jon Hageman and Erica Hill eds, The Archaeology of Ancestors: Death, Memory, and Veneration.Tallahassee, University Press of Florida. 124-144.. (2016)
  • Shrines and compound abandonment: ethnoarchaeological observations in Northern Ghana. Mather, Charles. In Allan Charles Dawson ed, West African Shrines. Calgary, University of Calgary Press. 95-120. (2009)
  • Personal, social, and cultural dimensions of health in Kusasi ethnomedicine. Mather, Charles. n James Pappas, William Smythe, and Angelina Baydala eds. Cultural Healing and Belief Systems. Calgary:Detselig. 94-110.. (2007)
  • Local medicines and global pharmaceuticals in Northern Ghana. . Mather, Charles and Shanna Sunley. In Korbla Puplaampu and Wisdom Tettey eds. Public Sphere and The Politics of Survival. Woeli: Accra.. 142-160. (2010)
  • From Bank to Bench to Pharmacy Shelf: Biotechnology and the Culture of Finance.. Fleising, Usher and Charles Mather. In Edna Einsiedel and Frank Timmermans eds. Crossing Over: Genomics in the Public Arena. University of Calgary Press, Calgary. . 33-46.. (2005)
  • Kusasi Ancestor Shrines as Historical and Social Maps. . Mather, Charles. Proceedings of “The Entangled Past: The 1997 Chacmool Conference”. University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. . 136-143.. (2000)
  • Review of Making History in Banda by Ann Stahl.. Mather, Charles. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 10(3): 708-709.. (2004)