Fee information
For more details and the most accurate information about graduate tuition and fees, go to the Academic Calendar.
Doctoral stipend
The Minimum Doctoral Stipend for Canadian and international students enrolled full time in the PhD program is $25,000 annually for four years (starting Fall 2019).
Doctoral students who are externally sponsored (i.e. with documented financial support from an external agency meeting minimum amount for four years) are not normally funded from university sources, and are thus exempted from the Minimum Doctoral Stipend. This does not include students who have received competitive external awards or scholarships.
Masters stipend
The Minimum Masters Stipend for Canadian and international students enrolled full time in the MA program is $21,000 annually for two years (starting Fall 2019).
Masters students who are externally sponsored (i.e. with documented financial support from an external agency meeting minimum amount for two years) are not normally funded from university sources, and are thus exempted from the Minimum Masters Stipend. This does not include students who have received competitive external awards or scholarships.
To be eligible to receive financial support, a thesis-based student must be registered full time and active in program:
- Normally, funding is contingent on adequate progress through the degree program, as indicated by a rating of ‘satisfactory’ or better on the Annual Progress Report.
- Students receiving funding from their supervisor’s grant must normally be available to fulfil their supervisor’s reasonable expectations regarding attendance and activity in the research environment.
- Employment income as a teaching assistant or sessional instructor is included in the guaranteed funding amount offered to students. Students must be available to take this employment as a GAT or GANT or sessional instructor; otherwise the amount of the GAT or GANT or sessional contract refused will be deducted from the annual funding offered to the student for that academic year.
- To be eligible for scholarships/stipends paid as scholarships offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, or competitive university scholarships, a student should not normally hold paid employment outside of their academic degree program while registered as a full-time student. Students who want to hold outside employment are encouraged to consult with their supervisor.
Sources for guaranteed funding
All of the following sources of funding count toward meeting a student’s guaranteed funding amount (i.e. the amount guaranteed in the student’s offer of admission):
- Stipend/scholarship payment from supervisor’s research grant;
- GAT/GANT income;
- Sessional instructor income for two courses during the time in program;
- Research assistantship income from supervisor’s research grant if $3001 or more annually;
- External scholarships, including but not limited to 2 SSHRC/NSERC/CIHR/AIHS/AITF/Wenner Gren Foundation/Leakey Foundation;
- Internal scholarships, including from program, or university competitions, such as the Graduate Awards Competition, and so on.
Income that doesn't count towards guaranteed funding
Income from the following sources is not counted toward a student’s guaranteed funding amount:
- Research assistantship income from supervisor’s research grant if $3000 or less annually;
- Sessional instructor income in the spring and summer semesters.
Required scholarship applications
Normally, students are required to apply for external scholarships for which they are eligible. Normally, Canadian students (citizens and permanent residents) are required to apply for Tri-Council Scholarships.
How scholarships affect funding
Success in external and internal scholarship competitions will affect the student’s funding in the following way:
- For awards of $20,000 or less, the student will normally receive a one-time top up of 10% of the award amount during the first year of the scholarship tenure.
- Major awards ($20,001 or greater) will replace a student’s funding. All students who win a major award will be offered a funding package so that the student’s total funding for the year will be the greater of: a) the guaranteed funding + a one-time top-up of $2000 during the first year of the scholarship tenure, or the b) the total amount of the major external award.
International students
If an international student’s citizenship/permanent residency status changes during the course of their degree program, the student’s guaranteed funding package from the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology may be re-evaluated.
Students are responsible for paying tuition and fees annually
Students with funding from university sources can apply for a payment plan
Graduate program contacts
Contact us for any questions you may have about the programs we offer.