
Undergraduate courses

Department of English

Course information

For program advice

Consult a program advisor in the Arts Students' Centre for information and advice on your overall program requirements.

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Course selection advice

For more specific advice regarding your course selection and requirements in the major field, consult the Associate Head of Undergraduate Student Affairs or the Undergraduate Program Administrator. 

Go to English undergrad contacts

A professor leans over a table to chat with students. They all look interested and engaged.

Explore our course offerings

You can browse all courses in the calendar and view course scheduling information in your student centre. Course outlines will be available in D2L.

Topics Courses Spring 2024

Instructor: Maria Zytaruk

Topics Courses Fall 2024

Instructor: Suzette Mayr

Instructor: David Sigler

Instructor: Stefania Forlini 

Instructor: Aritha van Herk

Instructor: Kit Dobson


Instructor: Joshua Whitehead

Instructor: Pamela Banting 

Instructor: Clara A.B. Joseph 

Topics Courses Winter 2025

Instructor: Jenny McKenny


Instructor: Karen Bourrier 

Instructor: Joshua Whitehead

Instructor: Jacqueline Jenkins

Instructor: Anna Veprinska 


Associate Head (Undergraduate Student Affairs)

Ask me about courses and the English program.

Dr. Anthony Camara 

Arts Students' Centre

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