Kevin Anderson

Kevin Anderson

Contact information


Areas of Research

Intellectual, political, and religious history.

I am currently researching the role of conspiratorial thinking in the federal Social Credit movement between 1945-1980.

Participation in university strategic initiatives


"Us and Them: The Federal Social Credit Party and Conspiratorial Thinking in Canada."

SSHRC Insight Development Grant (June 2021-June 2023).


  • Not Quite Us: Anti-Catholicism in English Canadian Thought since 1900. McGill-Queen's University Press. (2019)
  • "I am ... the very essence of a Protestant": Arthur Lower, Anti-Catholicism and Liberal Nationalism, 1939-1959. Historical Studies. 7-30.. (2015)
  • The Farthing Brothers and the Narrativization of a Conservative Canada. History of Intellectual Culture. 1-20. (2019)
  • A Historiography of Canadian Politics and the Importance of Ideas: Intersections and Influences. History Compass. 444-454. (2014)
  • Conspiracy Theories and the Canadians who Love Them. Active History. (2020)