COMS course selection advice

Recommendations for 2025

BA course recommendations (2025)

Year 1

  • COMS 201, COMS 203
  • 8 first-year (200-level) options courses, including one from the Faculty of Science.
  • Options could include CMCL 201, CMCL 203, or FILM 201, which count toward the Field of COMS

Years 2 and 3

  • COMS 313, 369, 371, 381; CMCL 305
  • 4 courses labelled COMS
  • 1 course from the Field of COMS
  • 10 options courses, including one from the Faculty of Science

Year 4

  • COMS 591
  • 2 courses labelled COMS
  • 1 course from the Field of COMS
  • 6 options courses

Year 4 Honours BA

  • COMS 591, COMS 595, COMS 597
  • 3 courses labelled COMS
  • 2 courses from the Field of COMS
  • 2 options courses

BA options courses

Options courses should be from outside the Field of COMS, but up to 4 options courses may be from the Field of COMS. A maximum of 20 courses (60 units) of the BA degree may be taken from the Field of COMS; students in the Honours program may take up to 24 courses (72 units) from the Field of COMS

BCMS course recommendations (2025)

Course selection recommendations (2025) for students completing the SAIT diploma in years 3 and 4

Year 1

  • COMS 201, COMS 203
  • 8 first-year (200-level) options courses, including one from the Faculty of Science.

Year 2

  • COMS 313, 369, 371, 381; CMCL 305
  • 4 courses labelled COMS
  • 1 course from the Faculty of Science

Year 3 and 4

(Could include courses in spring or summer terms in any year)

  • COMS 581 (in Winter or Spring of year 4)
  • 3 options courses (not at the 200-level)
  • Completion of SAIT diploma 

BCMS course recommendations (2025)

Course selection recommendations (2025) for students completing the SAIT diploma in years 1 and 2

Years 1 and 2

  • Completion of SAIT diploma

Year 3

  • COMS 201 (in Fall term), COMS 203, COMS 313, 369, 381; CMCL 305
  • 2 courses labelled COMS
  • 2 options courses, including 1 from the Faculty of Science

Year 4

(Could include courses in spring or summer terms in any year)

  • COMS 371, COMS 581 (Winter or Spring)
  • 2 courses labelled COMS (with 1 at the 400 or 500 level)
  • 10 options courses, including 1 from the Faculty of Science

BCMS options courses

Options courses should be from outside the Field of COMS, but up to 4 options courses may be from the Field of COMS. A maximum of 20 courses (60 units) of the B.A. degree may be taken from the Field of COMS; s Students in the Honours program may take up to 24 courses (72 units) from the Field of COMS.