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In the News: John Ferris, Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, History, in City News

Statue of Sir Winston Churchill coming to Calgary

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In the News: John Ferris, History, in CBC News

Churchill statue is Jason Kenney's way of declaring what we must celebrate, warts be damned

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New book chapter by Hendrik Kraay

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Dr. Stapleton Lectures in Nigeria

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In the News: Calgary Institute for the Humanities

Frank Stahnisch, UCalgary History: International Society for the History and Philosophy of Science Teaching (IHPST) Summer School Experience, July 4-8, 2022

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New encyclopedia edited by UCalgary History's Timothy Stapleton

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In the News: The Conversation Canada

Can either Russia or Ukraine reasonably claim to be ‘winning’ the war in Ukraine?

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In the News: Alexander Hill, History/CMSS in Yahoo! News

Ukraine Recap: who is winning this war? Both sides, if you believe the claims

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