Wind turbine photograph by Sander Weeteling on Unsplash

Postdoctoral Fellows

Portrait of CIH Postdoctoral Fellow Anna Bettini

Anna Bettini

After oil and gas—A fairer transition for workers: How Renewable Energy is Shaping Communities and Workers’ Identity in Canada and New Zealand

A socio-cultural and energy anthropologist originally from Italy, Anna Bettini pursued her university studies in the U.S. and the U.K. In 2021, Dr. Bettini completed her Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of Alberta. Currently, she is working on a book based on her doctoral research, tentatively titled: A Fractured Land: Stories on the Ecological and Social Uncertainties of Fracking in New Zealand.

During her time at CIH, as part of the Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time SSHRC project, under the supervision of Dr. Dolata, Dr. Bettini is carrying out multi-sited ethnographic research in Canada and New Zealand. In her project, she examines the displacement of workers and the changes in communities’ identity as energy transition processes and projects occur.

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