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Awards to Support New Publications

Awards are currently available to support the completion of new monographs by faculty members across all disciplines in the Faculty of Arts.

2025 Book Workshop Award

The Faculty of Arts and The Calgary Institute for the Humanities will invite applications for the 2025 monograph workshop awards in Winter 2025. The goal of the workshop is to provide constructive feedback to the faculty member to enable them to revise their monograph for publication. Awards will allow authors to bring together area specialists of their choosing to discuss a draft of their monograph. The workshop will fund honoraria for up to three external specialists to read the manuscript and provide formative feedback with an eye to developing a rich and potentially field-shaping monograph upon publication.

About the workshop award: 

Up to six awards will be offered to six scholars who have a substantially completed draft of their manuscript and are seeking expert advice on: strengthening the argument; the manuscript’s organization; choice of press; among other areas. The workshop will be closed, and the authors are encouraged to record the session for their benefit. Each award provides up to $1,500 to host a workshop. Specialist readers will receive an honorarium of $500 to read the draft of the manuscript and provide feedback in a workshop of approximately 3 hours in length. Authors may also invite a moderator to facilitate the discussion. Moderators, who will not receive honoraria, may include colleagues or series editors, among others.

Eligibility and terms of reference: 

  • Authors of second and subsequent monographs are particularly encouraged to apply, although authors of first monographs that are not revised dissertations will also be considered eligible.
  • Only monographs are eligible. Edited collections, translations, etc., are ineligible.
  • We invite applications from scholars who have a substantially complete draft of the manuscript and who may (but don’t need to) have a contract with a scholarly press.
  • The workshops will take place between May 1st and September 30th, 2025, and can be held either on an online platform or in-person. Note that the award cannot be used to cover travel, accommodation, and/or hospitality.
  • Awardees are responsible for identifying three experts, who will be invited to participate by the Associate Dean of Research.
  • Awardees are responsible for arranging the date and time for the workshop and communicating it to the experts and the moderator.


Successful applicants will be chosen based on the strength of application materials, including how advanced the manuscript is; the author’s track record; and potential impact of the monograph on the field (or beyond where applicable) and on the author’s career.


March 17, 2025 

How to submit your application:

Complete applications must be submitted as ONE DOCUMENT (PDF or Word) to Please provide the following application information:

  1. Name
  2. Department
  3. Book title
  4. Is this your first, second or subsequent book?
  5. Summary of the book’s contributions: up to 1 page
  6. Chapter outline: 1 page
  7. Description of how advanced the manuscript is: up to 1 page
  8. Press of choice (if identified)
  9. Do you have a contract?
  10. Please describe why and how you would benefit from the workshop: up to 1 page

2025-2026 Monograph Completion Group Awards

The Faculty of Arts and The Calgary Institute for the Humanities will invite applications for the 2025-2026 Monograph Completion Group awards in Winter 2025. This initiative supports faculty working on monographs. Faculty from across disciplines housed in Arts will be eligible to apply with a monograph project. Successful applicants will be placed into writing groups that will meet over the course of the 2025-26 academic year to discuss their works-in-progress.  

About the monograph completion group award:

Upon the conclusion of the award year, successful applicants who submit their manuscript to a press for review will receive a grant of $1,500 that can be used towards the costs associated with the publication of the book including, but not limited to, indexing, image permissions, or proofreading.

Eligibility and terms of reference:

  • Authors of second and subsequent monographs are particularly encouraged to apply, although authors of first monographs that are not revised dissertations will also be eligible to apply. 
  • Only monographs are eligible. Edited collections, translations, etc., are ineligible. 
  • Co-authored monographs are only eligible if both authors are able to attend the group meetings, in which case the authors will only receive one grant between them.
  • We invite applications from scholars who may or may not have a contract with a scholarly press.
  • Group meetings will take place between May 2025 and May 2026.


Successful applicants will be chosen based on the strength of application materials, including how advanced the manuscript is; the author’s track record; and potential impact of the monograph on the field (or beyond where applicable) and on the author’s career.


March 17, 2025

How to submit your application:

Complete applications must be submitted as ONE DOCUMENT (PDF or Word) to Please provide the following application information:

  1. Name
  2. Department
  3. Tentative book title
  4. Is this your first, second or subsequent book?
  5. Summary of the book’s intended contributions: up to 1 page
  6. Chapter outline: up to 1 page
  7. Description of how advanced the manuscript is: up to 1 page
  8. Press of choice (if identified):
  9. Do you have a contract?
  10. Please describe why and how you would benefit from the workshop: up to 1 page

Questions? Contact the Calgary Institute for the Humanities: