Fall leaves start to appear at the University of Calgary campus in September 2020.

Calgary Institute for the Humanities

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CIH News and Announcements

In the News Jim Ellis, English, Calgary Institute for the Humanities, in Global TV

New UCalgary book explores humanity’s fascination with the vast unknown of space

New publishing awards ensure Faculty of Arts authors reach goals

Monograph supports encourage the publication of new books

Thelma Margaret Horte Memorial Fellowship Recipient

This annual fellowship is established in memory of Thelma Margaret Horte who was committed to advancing the cause of women in society and equality in the workplace.

New UCalgary book explores humanity’s fascination with the vast unknown of space

Mythologies of Outer Space brings together scholars, artists and writers to tackle pressing questions in a new era of space travel

The Final Rumble: Creative Arts Community Sparks New Movement

After 12 years, UCalgary Alumni Rich and Jessica Théroux are closing the curtain on Rumble House and sketching the blueprint for Calgary's next big art revolution.

CIH Applied Ethics Fellow Agnes Tam gains momentum towards a new ethics of belonging

Dr. Tam ranked first in the most recent SSHRC Insight Development Grant competition and was invited to contribute to Esker Foundation's "Permanent Collection".

LGBTQ2S+ Learning and Sharing at UCalgary. You make it happen.

Lively and accessible academic perspectives are essential in helping us to understand how far our communities have come, and how far we still need to go. The annual LGBTQ2S+ Lecture continues to play this important role by welcoming internationally renowned LGBTQ2S+ scholars, artists and activists to our city. 

Lecture theatre during inaugural LGBTQ2S+ lecture series

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Quan Zhou Wu: Chinese Diaspora in Spain

Chinese Diaspora in Spain: Introducing Qingtianese Heritage

Join Spanish graphic artist Quan Zhou Wu for a fascinating talk on the Qingtianese community – a group that makes up nearly 60% of the Chinese population in Spain.

March 24, 11 a.m.
Gallery Hall, Taylor Family Digital Library

Learn more


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