Andrea Emerald

Dr. Andrea Freeman

Pronouns: She/her


Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-3930


Geography Department Head Office: Earth Sciences 356b

I'm looking for...

Research partners

Micromorphology and carbon cycling in buried soils


Educational Background

B.A. Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, 1987

B.B.A. Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, 1987

Doctor of Philosophy Anthropology, University of Arizona, 1997

M.A. Anthropology, University of Arizona, 1990


I began my career as a geoarchaeologist, crossed appointed via the Earth Sciences program to Geography and Archaeology.  My primary interest is in the archaeological records of fluvial geosystems. I've also had a long interest in Paleoindian archaeology. Over the years, bridging interests in geography have moved me closer to pedagogical research using disruptive and geospatial technologies.  My current scientific research involves buried soils in fluvial systems, both as archaeological records and as carbon sinks.


Areas of Research


Employment of disruptive technologies

3D and geospatial technologies in geoarchaeology

Soils and Geoarchaeology

Carbon cycling, microstratigraphy

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
ARKY 317 LEC 01 01 Arky of Ancient Puebloan SW 2021
GEOG 412 LAB 01 B01 Soil Science 2020
GEOG 412 LAB 02 B02 Soil Science 2020
GEOG 412 Soil Science Fall 2022
GEOG 391 Field Studies Summer 2022
GEOG 434 Tourism and Heritage Management in Europe Spring 2022


  • Excellence in Teaching, University of Arizona. 1994


  • Transforming the Field Trip Using Disruptive and Virtual Technologies. SAA Archaeological Record: Pedagogy in Geoarchaeology. (2022)
  • The Power of Integrating Science and Humanism in Archaeology. Teaching Anthropology: SACC Notes. 18(2):32-35. (2012)
  • Reconstructing landscape and vegetation through multiple proxy indicators: A geoarchaeological examination of the St. Louis site, Saskatchewan, Canada. Cyr, McNamee, Amundson. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal. 26(2): 165-188. (2011)
  • “I’m not evil”: Materializing identities of marginalised potters in Tigray region, Ethiopia. . Diane Lyons. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa . 44(1):75-93. (2009)
  • The Middle Archaic and the Transition to Agriculture in the Sonoran Desert of Southern Arizona.. Barbara Roth. Kiva. 73(3):321-353. (2008)
  • Radiocarbon Age Estimates from the SCAPE Project: 2000-2005. Plains Anthropologist Memoir 38. 51 (199):451-486. (2006)
  • Early Paleoindian Projectile Point Distribution in Alberta . Current Research in the Pleistocene . 19:25-27. (2003)
  • A Paleotopographic Reconstruction of Elkwater Lake, Alberta. . Wiseman, Running. Géographie physique et Quaternaire. 56(2-3):279-290. (2002)
  • Application of High-Resolution Alluvial Stratigraphy in Assessing the Hunter-Gatherer/Agricultural Transition in the Santa Cruz River Valley, Southeastern Arizona. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal . (2000)
  • 25 years of geoarchaeological research on Paleoindian landscapes: a look back at the discipline. Paleolandscapes, edited by M. Carson; Routledge. 23-38. (2022)
  • Pre-Clovis Geoarchaeology. Andrea K.L. Freeman. Springer. 679--681. (2017)
  • Why the Ice-Free Corridor is Still Relevant to the Peopling of the New World. Andrea K.L. Freeman. University of Colorado Press. 51--74. (2016)
  • Rapp, George R.. Andrea KL Freeman. Springer. 6237--6239. (2014)
  • A Stone's Throw From Kimmswick. K. B. Tankersley; E. E. Smith; Andrea K.L. Freeman. University of Alabama Press. 385--403. (1996)
  • Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology of Northern Growler Valley: Implications for Prehistoric Human Occupation and Landscape Changes. P. Pearthree; J. Klawon; Andrea K.L. Freeman. (2008)
  • Geoarchaeology Lab Manual. Andrea KL Freeman. Not yet Identified. (2021)
  • Archaeological investigations at the Wetlands site, AZ AA: 12: 90 (ASM). Andrea Freeman. Center for Desert Archaeology. (1998)