Karen Ross, Masters student in Geography, stands in a rooftop garden plot

Current graduate students

Department of Geography

Looking for graduate course information? View Department of Geography courses

Other information

Office space

The student's supervisor is responsible for providing office space to thesis-based graduate students who require it for the program-related activities. Normally, thesis-based students are provided office space within their supervisor’s research space. 

Keys / lab access

Access is provided to office/lab space as required.

Long distance calls

The department absorbs the cost of monthly rental on the office telephones. All long-distance calls are considered as personal charges. For information regarding long distance access, please contact the Department Manager.

Postal services

Graduate students have a shared space for incoming mail in the Geography Main Office. Incoming mail can be addressed to you, c/o Department of Geography, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4. All incoming mail should be related to program activities.

Graduate program contacts

Questions about our programs?

Advising questions

Contact the Graduate Program Advisors


Requirements: thesis-based

Contact the Graduate Program Director

Dr. Eliot Tretter


Requirements: course-based

Contact the Graduate Program Director

Dr. Victoria Fast

Looking for a form related to your graduate studies? View grad student forms



To calculate your tuition visit the Graduate Calendar.

View graduate calendar

Graduate fees and funding

Understand your general fees and learn about funding available. 

Learn more

Awards and scholarships

Find the awards and scholarships that apply to you and learn how and when to apply.

Learn more

Graduate student funding policy

Learn how the Department of Geography supports graduate students.

View student funding policy

Graduation requirements


Congratulations! You are approaching the final step of your study. Thesis-based and course-based students will need to complete different tasks in order to graduate. Ensure you have completed all the requirements for your degree.

Learn more

Where do I get information about convocation?

Visit the Convocation office for more information.

View Office of the Registrar site

Geography Graduate Students Association

Geography Graduate Students Association (GeoGSA)

GeoGSA is a Departmental Student Association for graduate students in the Department of Geography. It is affiliated to the University of Calgary GSA. GeoGSA plans events to foster a sense of community and collaboration in the Department, as well as enrich the student experience. GeoGSA shares information on events, workshops and other things happening around campus or the greater community that might interest students.

Learn more