Guidelines for MGIS Students
The Department of Geography's Graduate Program
Master of Geographic Information Systems (MGIS)

Program information
In addition to the information provided on this web page, students should refer to following resources:
- Graduate Calendar for information regarding Academic Regulations for all graduate students
- The Department of Geography's MGIS handbook (PDF).
The University of Calgary has term-based registration for all course-based graduate programs, including courses part of the MGIS program.
Program courses
Postal Services
Graduate students have a shared space for incoming mail in the Geography Main Office.
Incoming mail can be addressed to the student name, c/o Department of Geography, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4.
All incoming mail to this address should be related to program activities
Student Support Services
The Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) provides Student Support Services (e.g., information and counselling for academic matters, including an international specialist).
Please see the website below for contact information:
International Student Services
International Student Services (ISS) provides support for international students.
Students who require advice about immigration-related matters must contact ISS, as the MGIS program cannot advise about immigration-related matters. Please see the website below for contact information:
Graduate program contacts
Questions about our programs?