Byron Miller

Professor Byron Andrew Miller

Pronouns: he/him


Coordinator - Urban Studies Interdisciplinary Program

Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography

Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-7321


Office: Earth Sciences Building 328



Non Degree (Sociology), Universität Freiburg, 1987

Certificate (Economics), Interuniversity Dubrovnik, 1987

Certificate (German), Sprachenkolleg Freiburg, 1985

Educational Background

Ph.D. Geography, University of Minnesota, 1995

M.A. Geography, Arizona State University, 1984

B.Sc. Geography, Pennsylvania State University, 1978



Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
GEOG 565 LEC 01 01 Spaces of Urban Politics 2020
GEOG 797.02 Seminar: The Just City
GEOG 797.03 Seminar: Urban Sustainability Transitions
GEOG 797.03 Seminar in Political Geography: Globalization, Sustainable Development, and Social Movements
GEOG 797.02 Seminar: Qualitative Methods
GEOG 697.07 Seminar: The Political Economy of Urban Sustainability
GEOG 697.05 Seminar: Housing and Society
GEOG 697.04 Seminar: Urban and Regional Sustainability: Problems, Policies, Politics
GEOG 697.03 Seminar: Gentrification and Neoliberalism
GEOG 697 Seminar: Philosophy and Nature of Human Geography
GEOG 565 Urban Political Geography: The Spaces of Urban Politics


  • ISEEE Fellow, 2012
  • nominated for a Students' Union teaching excellence award, 2010
  • Fellow, 2004
  • Fellow, 2000


  • Relational Approaches to Urban Sustainability Governance. Yonn Dierwechter. Frontiers in Urban Sustainability. Vol 6. (2024)
  • Worlding and Provincialising Smart Cities: From Individual Case Studies to a Global Comparative Research Agenda. Kevin Ward, Ryan Burns, Victoria Fast, and Anthony Levenda. Urban Studies. 58(3), 655-673. (2021)
  • Smart Cities: Between Worlding and Provincialising. Ryan Burns, Victoria Fast, Anthony Levenda, Byron Miller. Urban Studies. 58(3), 461-470. (2021)
  • Neighbourhood Change in Calgary: an Evolving Geography of Income Inequality and Social Difference. 2nd author with Ivan Townshend and Derek Cook. UBC Press. pp. 192-213, Chapter 9 in J. Grant, A. Walks, and H. Ramos (eds) Changing Neighbourhoods: Social and Spatial Polarization in Canadian Cities. (2020)
  • Handbook on Spaces of Urban Politics. Kevin Ward, Andrew Jonas, Byron Miller and David Wilson. London and New York: Routledge. (2018)