Classics and Religion News

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In the News: Harjeet Grewal, Classics and Religion, in The Globe and Mail

Swearing an oath to the Queen a violation of religious freedoms, prospective lawyer says in lawsuit

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The Roman-Campanian Hermaphroditus: Visual Representations and the Performative Body under Dionysus

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Ancient Greek Hymns and Pastoral Gods: Comparative Studies in Poetics and Mythology

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Disgrace and Agency: Pompeiian Gladiators and Infamia in the Julio-Claudian Period

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In the News: George Ferzoco, Classics and Religion History, Calgary Institute for the Humanities, in BBC (Interview begins at 37:37)

Rumours of the Pope's Retirement

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In the News: The World Tonight - BBC Radio 4 (Interview begins at 37:37)

Rumours of the Pope's Retirement - George Ferzoco, History, Classics and Religion

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Monique Riel wins 2022 Desmond Conacher Scholarship

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In the News: arch magazine

The Kitchen is Always Open

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