Where can I find info on courses?
Look for course information in your Student Centre.
Degree requirements can be found in the UCalgary Calendar.
What courses should I register for in first year?
Please refer to your First Year Degree Guide for reference. Contact the Faculty of Arts Student Centre for further information.
I have a time conflict between two classes, what can I do?
You will need to see an Advisor in the Faculty of Arts Student Centre. If the time conflict is approved by a Faculty of Arts Advisor they will give you a form for you to have signed by the instructors of each course. Once signed, return the form to the Faculty of Arts Advisors.
Where can I find the course add/drop and tuition deadlines?
You can find these and other deadlines in the Academic Calendar.
Who can I contact about programs I am interested in?
Prospective students should contact Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions.
As an Open Studies student, who do I meet with for answers to my questions?
Open Studies students should meet with an advisor in the Student Success Centre.
Where can I learn more about taking a minor in the Faculty of Arts?
To declare a minor, schedule an appointment with an advisor in the Faculty of Arts Student Centre.
I am looking to switch majors next semester, who should I see?
Schedule an appointment with an advisor in the Faculty of Arts Student Centre. The deadline to apply to change your Program is February 1 in most programs for Fall Term.
Where can I begin registering for courses?
In your MyUofC Student Centre, you will see a date and time for your enrolment appointment. In early March you will be able to search for courses and load them into your shopping cart for Fall and Winter terms. Click on Schedule Builder in your MyUofC Student Centre to begin.
Who can help me plan my course schedule?
Please contact the Faculty of Arts Student Centre to help plan your Geography or Urban Studies schedule.
How do I learn more about the co-op program?
Students who are interested in pursuing the Co-operative Education option are urged to discuss their plans and course selection with the Co-operative Education Coordinators in the Faculty of Arts Co-operative Education Office as early in their program as possible.
How do I register in field study courses or exchange programs?
For overseas programs please apply online on the UCalgary International website. Once you receive confirmation you will be able to enrol through MyUCalgary.
The first step to apply for GEOG 391 Field School is to contact the Geography Department.
The new university calendar shows some changes to my degree requirements
Typically your degree requirements hold from the time you are admitted. Please check with the Faculty of Arts Student Centre regarding requirements older than seven years.
Can a BA in Urban Studies be combined with a minor in Geography?
No, due to course overlap, programs in Geography cannot be taken in conjunction with programs in: Environmental Science or Urban Studies. This restriction applies to Major-plus-Minor combinations, Double Majors, Combined Degrees and Second Baccalaureate Degrees.
How do I enroll in a class that is full?
Keep checking for an opening until the last day to add a course.
How do I appeal a grade?
First discuss it with the Instructor. They will submit a grade change form if warranted. Be aware that the grade being reappraised may be raised, lowered or remain the same. Students may only request a reappraisal of a final grade twice in one academic year (September 1 – August 31).
I was sick and missed a lab/midterm. What should I do?
Any student who is absent from a test or fails to complete a laboratory assignment or similar work for legitimate reasons must discuss an alternative course of action with the instructor. Each course instructor will have specific policies that will be referred to in their course outline. University regulations apply to deferred Final exams and are outlined in the Calendar. Notification of such eventualities must be given to the instructor within 48 hours. Of course, the earlier you let them know, the easier it is to work out a solution.
Does the department offer independent study options/courses?
Yes, one may be created in consultation with a potential instructor with Department of Geography approval.
Honours program
What is the difference between a BA or BSc Honours program and a BA or BSc?
For an Honours program, you will work with a supervisor and complete an Honours Research Course and Honours Thesis. Completing an Honours paper is excellent preparation for students applying for advanced study in graduate school.
How do I get into the Honours Program?
If your GPA is 3.3 or higher you may apply through your Student Centre and find a supervisor for your Honours Thesis.
How do I register for an Honours course or Independent Study course?
Speak with your supervisor. Once confirmed they will ask to have the course created and permission to be entered for you to enroll in it.

Curious about research?
International students
I am an international student. How do I apply for admission?
Information for International Students can be found at University of Calgary International Student Services website.
I would like to study at the University of Calgary as an exchange student
Exchange students should first go through International Student Services.
Who can help me with my English language skills?
The English for Academic Purposes Office in the Education Tower and the Student Success Centre offers a variety of free Student Success Seminars and Writing Support.
Student services
Who can guide me in developing leadership skills?
The Leadership and Student Engagement Office has many programs you may participate in.
Where do I go for help with study skills, test anxiety and presentations?
The Student Success Centre offers a variety of free Student Success Seminars each term on topics such as: exam preparation, test anxiety, how to prepare for multiple-choice exams, how to take effective notes in class, oral presentations & time management.
I need accommodations for course work. How do I get special provisions?
You need to register with the Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Find more info on their website.
Where can I get copies of old exams?
Copies of old exams are available through your Undergraduate Society.
Where do I go for help with resumes, cover letters and interview skills?
The University of Calgary Career Service Centre in MacEwan Student Centre.
Does the University of Calgary hold orientation sessions?
Yes, you may sign up through the Leadership and Student Engagement Office.