UCalgary Undergraduate Philosophy Club
About us
Φιλοσοφία is Greek for Philosophia: “love of wisdom”
Philosophia is an inclusive philosophical community for anyone interested in philosophy! Our events are for everyone, from beginners to veteran philosophy students, and we appreciate a diversity of perspectives and experiences. Philosophia is not a debate club—we enjoy helping each other develop our ideas as much as we enjoy friendly disagreement.
Our most popular events are our "Philosobeers" discussion groups. We have discussed a wide range of topics, from "What is a work of art?" to "Is monogamy right for everyone?" We have also hosted more academically inclined events such as a writing workshop (led by professors and graduate students). Executives are generally available to provide philosophy-specific academic support. If you are struggling to grasp the material in your classes, or want to improve your writing, we can help (please contact us via email to arrange something).
To join the club, please contact us via email with your student number and full name. Some events (such as our first Philosobeers of each term), are open to all students regardless of club membership).
Visit our new Philosophia Club website for more information!