Student clubs

Undergraduate student clubs provide enriching experiences, career connections and much more!

Campus life

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Build a bigger network, enjoy social events, expand your personal development, strengthen your organizational skills, and gain leadership expertise by joining a club or association today.

Chinese Conversation & Culture Club

大家好!Are you studying Chinese? Are you a Chinese speaking student studying English? No matter what your background is, if you have an interest in cross-culture exchange we would love to see you at the Chinese Conversation and Culture Club!

From weekly Chinese and English lessons and language exchange, to group outings and cultural field trips; the CCCC will be a great way to learn new things, meet new people and have a ton of fun.

Club francais U of C

Nous sommes un club pour s'amuser en apprenant la culture francophone et rencontrer des nouvelles personnes.

Nos activités ont inclus des soirées films avec sous-titres en anglais pour les apprenants, une journée pour apprendre la cuisine française à SAIT, un match de foot contre d'autres club du campus, de la pétanque... et il y a beaucoup d'activités à venir!

We are a club whose mission is to have fun discovering francophone culture while meeting new people.

Our activities have included movie night, with English subtitles to cater to beginners, all the way to a French cuisine event at SAIT, a soccer night against other clubs on campus, lawn bowling... and there are many more activities to come!

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@Club francais U of C

Deutsch Erleben! The German Club

We are a club at the University of Calgary dedicated to furthering the German learning experience and community on-campus by sharing resources for language-learning and exploring German-speaking cultures.

Japanese student clubs and groups

Japanese Conversation and Culture Club

The Japanese Conversation and Culture club (JCC) brings together native Japanese speakers and students of Japanese for weekly language practice in Japanese and English and periodic social events. Weekly meetings include group and/or pair language exchange, games and lessons on various language topics such as expressions or kanji, and special holiday gatherings. Social events may include karaoke, trips to Japanese restaurants, rafting, hiking, barbecue parties, and much more.


Instagram: @jcccalgary

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Japanese Literacy Club

The Japanese Literacy Club is a student-run initiative to connect students to Japanese culture through literary and other cultural works. We want to introduce both pure Japanese texts as well as books by Japanese authors translated into English. Anyone interested in discovering Japanese literary practices, or simply want to explore Japan's culture and traditions are welcome to join.


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Friends of the UofC Japanese Program

A student-run page hoping to bring you the best and most up-to-date information about the Japanese program at the University of Calgary.

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Pushkin's Students Пушкинские студенты (Russian Literacy Club)

This is the official club for students studying or practicing Russian. We welcome students of any proficiency and from all departments, and especially encourage students studying in the Russian program to attend our variety of events, where we provide a fun and interesting way to practice and improve Russian language proficiency through exposure to language and culture.

Verbatim Linguistics Undergraduate Society

Verbatim is the University of Calgary's undergraduate linguistics club where you can meet with other students, have a quiet study place, find help for your burning linguistic questions (class related or not!), access the Linguistics' Library, or just unwind between classes.

The club offers the popular "Evening With ..." series which spotlights particular languages like Irish, Japanese or even the invented alien languages in popular culture, such as Klingon. Sub-Field Nights give you a chance to explore new areas within linguistics such as sociolinguistics and dialectology, as well as ways you can put your knowledge of linguistics to work doing such things as language coaching. The Larynx Field Trip is an annual guided tour of the cadaver lab at the Foothills Hospital by an anatomy professor and phonetician who discusses the physiology behind speech. 

Contact us

Office: CHC 209

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Faculty of Arts Student's Association

The Faculty of Arts Students' Association (FASA) is a student club, representing the interests of undergraduate students at the University of Calgary's Faculty of Arts.

Contact us

Office: SS 803 »

Chat with us on X (formerly Twitter)


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