Degree requirements
- BA in East Asian Language Studies
- BA in East Asian Language Studies with co-operative education
- Minor in Chinese
- Minor in Japanese
EALS: Chinese Concentration Advisor
Tel: 403-220-5300
E: chinadv@ucalgary.ca -
EALS: Japanese Concentration Advisor
Tel: 403-220-5300
E: japanadv@ucalgary.ca -
Department Services Assistant
Tel: 403-220-5300
E: slllc@ucalgary.ca
- BA in East Asian Studies
- BA in East Asian Studies with co-operative education
- Minor in East Asian Studies
EAST Program Coordinator
Dr. A.W. Barber
Tel: 403-220-6120
E: abarber@ucalgary.ca -
Department Services Assistant
Tel: 403-220-5300
E: slllc@ucalgary.ca
- BA in French
- BA Honours in French
- Concurrent BA/BEd in French and Education (Learn more in Program Details > Degree options)
- Minor in French
Undergraduate Advisor, French
Marie-Andrée Bergeron
Tel: 403.220.6382
E: marieandree.bergeron@ucalgary.ca -
Program Coordinator - French Centre
Micheline Lee
Tel: 403-220-7226
E: michlee@ucalgary.ca
- BA in Language and Culture - a minor or concentration in Arabic Language and Muslim Cultures, German, Italian or Russian
- BA in Language and Culture with co-operative education
- BA Honours in Language and Culture - a minor or concentration in Arabic Language and Muslim Cultures, German, Italian or Russian
- BA Honours in Language and Culture with co-operative education
- Minor in Arabic Language and Muslim Cultures
- Minor in German (based on an agreement with the Schulich School of Engineering: engineering students have the option of completing a German minor in conjunction with their BSc degree)
- Minor in Italian
- Minor in Russian
Undergraduate Advisor, Arabic Language and Muslim Cultures
Dr. Mushegh Asatryan
Tel: 403.220.3241
E: mushegh.asatryan@ucalgary.ca -
Undergraduate Advisor, German
Dr. Conny Burian
Tel: 403.220.3577
E: cburian@ucalgary.ca -
Undergraduate Advisor, Italian
Dr. Eleonora Buonocore
Tel: 403.220.4424
E: eleonora.buonocore@ucalgary.ca -
Undergraduate Advisor, Russian
Dr. Olga Mladendova
Tel: 403.220.8589
E: omladeno@ucalgary.ca -
Tel: 403-220-5300
E: slllc@ucalgary.ca
- BA in Linguistics
- BA Honours in Linguistics Consult the Linguistics Undergraduate Advisor before applying
- BA in Linguistics with co-operative education
- BA Honours in Linguistics with co-operative education
- BA in Linguistics and Language
- BA in Linguistics and Language with co-operative education Consult the Linguistics Undergraduate Advisor before applying
- Minor in Linguistics
- Minor in Speech-Language Sciences (for Linguistics Majors)
- Minor in Speech-Language Sciences (for Psychology Majors)
- Concentration in Applied Linguistics (for Linguistics Majors) (Learn more in Program Details > Degree Options)
- Concentration in Speech-Language Sciences (for Linguistics Majors) (Learn more in Program Details > Degree Options)
Undergraduate Advisor, Linguistics
Dr. Dimitrios Skordos
Tel: 403-220-6396
E: lingadv@ucalgary.ca -
Tel: 403-220-5300
E: slllc@ucalgary.ca
Undergraduate Advisor, Linguistics
Dr. Dimitrios Skordos
Tel: 403-220-6396
E: lingadv@ucalgary.ca -
Tel: 403-220-5300
E: slllc@ucalgary.ca
- BA in Spanish
- BA Honours in Spanish
- Concurrent BA/BEd in Spanish and Education (Learn more in Program Details > Degree Options)
- Minor in Spanish
Undergraduate Advisor, Spanish
Dr. Luis Torres
Tel: 403-220-6791
E: spanadvs@ucalgary.ca -
Tel: 403-220-5300
E: slllc@ucalgary.ca
Curriculum Renewal
The Faculty of Arts is embarking on an ambitious three-year curriculum renewal process.
This process aligns with the strategic priorities outlined in Ahead of Tomorrow and the Arts Strategic Plan and is informed by the findings of the 2024 Faculty of Arts Unit Review.
Starting for Fall 2025, we will pause admissions to the following programs in the School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
- East Asian Language Studies (EALS)
- East Asian Studies (EAST)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Concurrent BA/BEd in Spanish and Education
Want to learn more? View our Curriculum Renewal page.