Embedded Certificate in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Are you passionate about the Chinese language? Interested in pursuing language teaching as a career pathway? Want a competitive edge after you graduate?
Not a current UCalgary student? You can still obtain a certificate with us.
Please visit Certificate in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.
About the certificate
Enhance your undergraduate degree and learn how to teach Chinese as a second language!
This embedded certificate is the first of its kind in Canadian universities.
The embedded certificate in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language is delivered fully online, making it accessible and flexible.

Chinese takes its place on the world stage
Why is Chinese important now?
Gain a competitive edge
This certificate will give you a competitive edge towards teaching employment in K-12 public and private schools and Chinese language community schools.
What will you learn?
Gain knowledge in:
applied linguistics
second language acquisition
language pedagogy
Gain confidence in your teaching and participate in experiential learning opportunities.
Talk to a program advisor about adding the certificate to your degree today!
As easy as 1,2,3
Follow these steps to enroll in the certificate
To earn the embedded certificate in Teaching Chinese as a Second Lanuage, you will successfully complete a minimum of 15 units from the courses below:
a) Core course: 12 units
b) Elective courses: 3 units
CHIN 353: Introduction to Chinese Language and Linguistics
An overview of Chinese linguistics. Provides an introduction to linguistic concepts and topics to enhance understanding of the structure of the Chinese language.
CHIN 411: Foundations of Chinese Language Learning and Teaching
Addresses theories in learning and teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language. Examines fundamental concepts and critical issues in the field such as learner strategies, motivation and teaching methods.
CHIN 412: Aspects of Chinese Language Teaching and Learning
Addresses practice in learning and teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language.
CHIN 413: Topics in Experiential Chinese Language Teaching
A course that integrates experiential teaching and explains how societal, educational and pragmatic contexts affect Chinese language teaching.
You will select one elective course from the following list:
1. Language 451: Topics in Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Exploration
2. Language 500: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Research Projects
3. Language 599: Topics in the Study of Language
4. Education 430: Pragmatics of Learning and Teaching
5. Education 435: Literacy, Language and Culture
*Note: Education 430 and 435 are restricted to students in the BEd program.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of the program, students will:
- Develop linguistic knowledge of the Chinese language with a view to effective teaching.
- Apply knowledge in key concepts in applied linguistics, second language acquisition, and language pedagogy to teaching Chinese effectively.
- Use evidence-based skills and strategies to design and lead learning activities that effectively support learning the unique language components of the Chinese language.
- Develop cultural awareness of how societal, educational and pragmatic contexts impact classroom-teaching.