School Scholarships and Student Awards
Please see below for a listing of the Scholarships and Student Awards available through our school.
E. Catherine Barclay Scholarship
Offered annually to an undergraduate student registered in any faculty at the University of Calgary wishing to pursue studies in France through an official exchange program, for two semesters. Award holders must select courses in which the language of instruction is French.
Fall/Winter minimum GPA and units: 3.2; 24
Application deadline: March 15
Donor: Friends of E.C. Barclay
Value: $ 7,500
Learn about a recent scholarship recipient's study abroad experience
French Centre Scholarship to Study in Québec
Offered annually to a full-time student in the second or third year. Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Must enroll full-time at a francophone university in Québec.
Minimum GPA: 3.2. Completion of FREN 227 or equivalent.
Application deadline: March 15
Value: $ 8000
French Undergraduate Scholarship
Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts, majoring in French. Must be entering or continuing full-time as a French major for the upcoming fall term.
Fall/Winter minimum GPA and units: 3.2; 24
Apply: Students must submit a resume and cover letter explaining the importance of French in their present and future life (written in French) to SLLLC by July 31.
Donor: Members of the former Department of French, Italian and Spanish
Value: $ 1,300
Belgian Government Book Prize
Offered annually to an undergraduate student in any faculty. Outstanding merit in a French literature course of the 17th, 18th or 19th century.
F/W minimum GPA and units; 3; 18.
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
French Centre Book Prizes (5)
Offered annually to undergraduate students in any faculty.
There are five different prizes:
- outstanding merit in two first-year French courses (FREN 225, 227, 291)
- outstanding merit in a language or linguistics course at the 300 level
- outstanding merit in any literature or culture course at the 300 level
- outstanding merit in any 400- or 500-level French course
- outstanding merit, awarded to a student in final year of a French Major program
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Swiss Government Book Prize in French
Offered annually to an undergraduate student in any faculty. Outstanding merit in a modern francophone literature or culture course at the 400 or 500 level.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 3; 18.
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Association for German Education in Calgary Study Abroad Scholarship
Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Arts. Enrolled in an approved University of Calgary study abroad program of at least six weeks in length at an accredited German-speaking university during the upcoming year.
FW minimum GPA: 2.6; minimum units: 24
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Donor: AGEC
Value: up to $ 1000
Austrian Embassy Book Prize
Offered annually to an undergraduate student in any faculty with outstanding merit in a 400- or 500-level German literature course. Academic record otherwise satisfactory.
FW minimum GPA: 3; minimum units: 18
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Swiss Government Book Prize
Offered annually to an undergraduate student in any faculty with outstanding merit in a 300-level German literature course. Academic record otherwise satisfactory
FW minimum GPA: 3; minimum units: 18
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
German Government Book Prizes (6)
GERM 202 ; GERM 204; GERM 333; GERM 353/469; GERM 401/403; GERM 501/503
FW minimum GPA: 3; minimum units: 18
Nominated award: No application required. Recipients are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
(A prize may not be awarded to the same student more than once.)
German Language School of Calgary Scholarship
Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts, majoring in German.
Academic merit (Fall/Winter minimum GPA and units: 3.2; 24).
Value: $ 1,100
Juergen and Margot Jahn Scholarship
Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in any faculty pursuing German language studies who has received top marks in German 331 and 333 as well as either 349 or 353. Preference will be given to students who have completed all four courses.
Fall/Winter minimum GPA and units: 3.2; 24
Apply to SLLLC (slllc@ucalgary.ca) by April 1. The applicant must supply a personal statement indicating their interest in German and future use of the language.
Value: $ 700
Egmont Lee Memorial Award
Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and is completing or has completed at least two half courses in Italian. Participating during the upcoming academic year in an approved international exchange or group study at an official partner university in Italy.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 3.0; 24
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Donor: Valeria Lee
Value: $ 2,000
Fogolâr Furlan di Calgary Scholarship in Italian
There is one award of approximately $1,500 that will be applied directly to tuition. The deadline to apply is June 30 at midnight.
If you have any questions, or for more information, please contact the Calgary Foundation.
Irpinia Cultural Society Book Prize
Offered annually to an undergraduate student in any faculty with a major or minor in Italian. Highest standing in any Italian course offered.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 3; 18
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Italian Embassy Book Prize
Offered annually to an undergraduate student in any faculty. Highest standing in any second year Italian course.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 3; 18
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Italian Study Abroad Award
Offered annually to continuing undergraduate students pursuing a major or minor in Italian; and to students in any faculty who are completing or have completed at least 2 half course equivalents in Italian. Enrolled in or intending to enroll in an approved course of study in Italy for a minimum of 4 weeks.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 2.6; 24
Apply: Send a short resume, a cover letter describing your interest in studying abroad and two letters of recommendation to SLLLC (slllc@ucalgary.ca) by May 1.
Donor: Calgary Italian Community
Value: $ 1,600
Study in Bologna Scholarship
Applicants will be enrolled in an official UofC exchange program at the University of Bologna, Italy for at least one term. Based on academic merit. Applicants must supply a personal statement indicating their interest in Italian, any background in the Italian language and plans for future use of the language.
Apply to SLLLC (slllc@ucalgary.ca) by August 15. Applicants must provide a short resume, a copy of their transcript, a cover letter describing their interest in Italian and future use of the language, and two letters of recommendation.
Donor: Calgary Italian Sportswomen Dinner Association
Value: $ 500
Swiss Government Book Prize in Italian
Offered annually to the student graduating with the highest standing in a senior Italian literature course taken during the winter term.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 3; 18
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Sekiguchi Book Prizes (3)
Offered annually to undergraduate students in any faculty. Highest standing in JPNS 207 and JPNS 303, JPNS 333.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 3; 18
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Sekiguchi Prize
Offered annually to undergraduate students in any faculty. Highest standing in JPNS 303.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 3; 18
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Value: $ 250
The Michael Dobrovolsky Undergraduate Linguistics Award
This is a $ 400 award offered annually to a continuing University of Calgary
full-time student, majoring in Linguistics or Linguistics and Language. The award is based on academic merit and extra-curricular activities. To qualify for this award a student must:
- Be a Linguistics or Linguistics and Language major
- Have successfully completed the previous Fall and Winter sessions with a minimum of 18 units
- Be a continuing full-time student in the specified field of study in the upcoming Fall and Winter sessions
- Carry a minimum GPA of 3.0 over the previous Fall and Winter sessions
- Be a current member of Verbatim
- Be involved in extra-curricular activities, especially those related to linguistics, e.g. participation in Verbatim, volunteer work at Children's Hospital
Applications must be submitted to SLLLC (slllc@ucalgary.ca) by May 1.
Value: $ 400
Julio Peris Awards for Study in Spain
Offered annually to undergraduate students in any faculty, pursuing a major or minor in Spanish, or must have a specific academic interest in Spain. Must be enrolled in an official UCalgary Exchange or Group Study Program in Spain and paying tuition and fees to the University of Calgary. Must be entering or continuing full-time in the specific field of study for the upcoming fall term.
Fall/Winter minimum GPA and units: 2.6; 24
Apply to SLLLC (slllc@ucalgary.ca) by May 1.
Donor: Topline Printing
Value: Up to $ 1,500 (x 2)
Spanish Embassy Book Prizes (2)
Offered annually to undergraduate students in any faculty. Outstanding merit in any Spanish course at the 400- or 500-level.
F/W minimum GPA and units: 3; 18
Nominated award: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
John E. Oyler Scholarship
Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student majoring in East Asian Language Studies, German, or Russian, based on academic merit
F/W Minimum GPA and units: 3.2; 24
Apply: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
Donor: Members of the former Department of Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies
Field of Studies: East Asian Language Studies, German, or Russian
Value: Up to $2,200
Languages and Cultures Scholarship
Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in any faculty
Academic merit in senior level Chinese, German, Japanese, Russian, Slavic, or Arabic Language and Muslim Culture courses.
Apply: No application required. Eligible students are nominated by their instructors/academic program.
F/W Minimum GPA and units: 3.2; 24
Donor: Members of the former Department of Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies
Faculty: Any
Field of Studies:Any
Value: Up to $1,200