Picture of Dr. Storoshenko in front of whiteboard

Dennis Ryan Storoshenko

Pronouns: he/him

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-6119

For media enquiries, contact


Preferred method of communication

Email preferred for contact


Educational Background

B.A. Linguistics, Simon Fraser University, 2002

M.A. Linguistics, Simon Fraser University, 2004

Doctor of Philosophy Linguistics, Simon Fraser University, 2010


Course number Course title Semester
LING 401 Syntax II Winter 2023
LING 599/699 Models of the Syntax/Semantics Interface Fall 2022
LING 451 History of Linguistic Thought Fall 2021
LING 225 Varieties of English Winter 2021
LING 511/611 Advanced Syntactic Analysis Fall 2020


  • GREAT Supervisor Award, University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies.
  • Excellence in Graduate Supervision (Nominee), 2015
  • Dean's Convocation Medal, 2010

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