Mark Conliffe winter 2022

Mark Conliffe


Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403.220.2163


Educational Background

PhD Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto, 1999

M.A. Russian Literature, McGill University, 1993

B.A. Russian Language and Literature, University of Toronto, 1991


Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
RUSS 201 Introductory Russian I Fall 2023


  • “Mirotvorcheskii gumanizm V. Korolenko (K iubileiu knigi ‘O voine, otechestve i chelovechestve’)”. co-authored with N.N. Zakirova and L.V. Olkhovskaia. Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur vol. 48. 92-100. (2018)
  • “Poltava in Revolution and Civil War: From the Diaries of Vladimir Korolenko and Aleksandr Nesvitskii”. Russia's Home Front in War and Revolution, 1914-22, Book 2: The Experience of War and Revolution. Ed. Adele Lindenmeyer, Christopher Read, and Peter Waldron. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 455-74. (2016)
  • “Turning Unexpected Resources into Undergraduate Research in the Humanities”. CUR Quarterly vol. 35, no. 1. 43-47. (2014)
  • "Recovering Korolenko." Review essay of Neizdannyi V. G. Korolenko. Publitsistika 1914-1921. 3 vols. Moscow: Pashkov dom 2011-2013. Slavic and East European Journal vol. 58, no. 3. 526-30. (2014)
  • “Problema otchuzhdennosti v rasskaze V. Korolenko ‘Son Makara’.” / “The Problem of Isolation in V. Korolenko’s Story ‘Makar’s Dream’”. Nauka, prosveshchenie, iskusstvo provintsii v sotsiokul’turnom prostranstve. Materialy Deviatykh Korolenkovskikh chtenii, Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi 160-letnemu iubileiu V.G. Korolenko (28 oktiabria 2013 g.). 46-53. (2013)
  • "Natasha and Kitty at the Bedside: Care for the Dying in War and Peace and Anna Karenina". Slavonica vol. 18, no. 1. 23-36. (2012)
  • "Valentin Kataev's Later Writing and 'Uže napisan Verter': Time, Memory, and a Critical Dream". Scando-Slavica vol. 56, no. 1. 7-26. (2010)
  • "On Tolstoy, Turgenev and Chernyshevsky: Love, Society and the Heroines in Semeinoe schast'e, Nakanune, and Chto delat?" . 208-15. Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo natsional'nogo universiteta im V.I. Vernadskogo. Seriia "Filologiia" vol. 21 (60), no. 2. 115-30. (2008)
  • "On Isolation". The Midwest Quarterly vol. 47, no. 2. 115-30. (2006)
  • "Blindness and Misunderstanding: On Garshin's Chetyre dnia". Australian Slavonic and East European Studies vol. 18, nos. 1-2. 129-42. (2004)
  • "'Skuchnaia istoriia' as Coda: Isolation and Chekhov's Prose of the 1880s" . Toronto Slavic Quarterly no. 10 . (accessed 2 January 2023). (2004)
  • "Mentalitet predstavitelei russkoi glubinki i 'mif 'ne ia'" v 'Istorii moego sovremennika' Korolenko" . co-authored with N.P. Ivanova. Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo natsional'nogo universiteta im. V.I. Vernadskogo. Seriia "Filologiia" vol. 16 (55), no. 1. 176-86. (2004)
  • "The Fictional World of Garshin and Borchert: 'The Red Flower' and 'The Dandelion'". Germano-Slavica vol. 14. 87-99. (2003)
  • "Sládek's Intent: Reading Václav Havel's 'Audience'". Balagan vol. 8. 3-16. (2002)