Y. Kodama

Yoko Kodama

Pronouns: She/Her


Contact information


Office: CHC214

Preferred method of communication

By email at yykodama@ucalgary.ca (no answering machine in the office)


Educational Background

Alberta Interim Teaching Certificate Alberta, 2009

M.Ed. Education, University of Calgary, 2008

Bachelor of Education Elementary School and English Language (JH & HS) Teaching, Hokkaido University of Education, 1993

Teacher Certification Elementary School - 1st Class , Hokkaido, Japan, 1993

English Teacher Certification Junior High School - 1st Class , Hokkaido, Japan, 1993

English Teacher Certification High School - 1st Class , Hokkaido, Japan, 1993


Areas of Research

Japanese/Language Teaching
  • Japanese language pedagogy
  • Second language acquisition
  • Curriculum development
  • Japanese teacher education


Course number Course title Semester
JPNS 205 Beginners' Japanese I
JPNS 207 LAB 01 B01 Beginners' Japanese II
JPNS 207 Beginners' Japanese II
JPNS 301 Continuing Japanese I
JPNS 303 Continuing Japanese II
JPNS 331 Intermediate Japanese I
JPNS 333 Intermediate Japanese II
JPNS 371 Intermediate Skills in Japanese Communication
JPNS 441 Advanced Conversational Japanese


Japanese language placement

Benefits of experiential learning through field trips to overseas


  • A Study on Japanese Teaching Internship in Collaboration with a Partner Institution: Perspectives from both Dispatching and Receiving. Ito, M. Y., & Kodama, Y. Journal of Hokkaido University, Section of Education, 68(2). 213-221. (2018)
  • SUNSHINE ENGLISH COURSE Teacher’s Manual (サンシャイン中学校英語教科書指導書). Kairyudo Shuppan. (2001)
  • Achievements and Challenges of Sending and Accepting a Japanese Teaching Intern. Ito, M. Y., & Kodama, Y. In Proceedings of CAJLE Annual Conference 2017 “Japanese Language education in the global age: connecting with each other”. 95-99. (2016)