Brooklyn Sheppard
Student Hourly-OPA1
University of Calgary
Contact information
My name is Brooklyn and I’m pursuing my PhD under the supervision of Dr. Stephen Winters. I completed my BA Honours in Linguistics at the University of Calgary where my research focused on the prosodic correlates of sarcasm perception as well as a variety of topics in theoretical syntax (e.g., the syntax of nominals, coordination, etc.). In August 2022, I completed my MSc in Speech & Language Processing at the University of Edinburgh where my coursework focused on speech synthesis, automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, and machine learning. For my MSc dissertation, I explored the acoustic-prosodic effects of incorporating discourse-level information into a text-to-speech (TTS) system.
From my experience with speech perception studies from my undergraduate degree and my experience in quantitative and computational modelling from both my graduate degree, my main research interests involve using computational methods to inform theories of speech perception and production. In my spare time, I love reading, getting out in the mountains, and doing math for fun (yes, really).
- 2021
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