Exam Review and Make-up Exams
Exam Review
Exam Review sessions will begin the week of January 29, 2025, until the last day of classes on April 11, 2025.
Students can access their exams during the open hours listed below.
Exams will be available for review no sooner than 48 hours after each exam time.
Exams may not be removed from the room and questions/answers cannot be written down unless the course instructor indicates otherwise.
Monday: 10:00am - 11:30am AD 155A and 2:30pm – 4:00pm AD 051/053
Tuesday: 1:00pm - 2:30pm AD 155A
Wednesday: 1:30pm - 3:00pm AD 155A
Thursday: 11:30am - 1:00pm AD 155A
Friday: 1:00pm - 2:30pm AD 155A
NOTE: There will be no Makeup Exams or Exam Review on the following days:
February 16-22nd (Term Break)
February 17th (Alberta Family Day)
Any time after April 11th (i.e., the Final Exam Period).
Make-up Exam Sessions
For religious conviction, domestic affliction or health reasons
Normally students will write exams with the class at times outlined shown in the Course Outline. However, the Department of Psychology provides regularly scheduled Make-Up Exam Sessions at scheduled times in AD 155A or AD 051/053 for students who have missed a psychology course test for a university and instructor approved reason.
Students who miss an exam have 48 hours to contact the instructor and to ask for a makeup exam and schedule it.
Students who do not schedule a makeup exam with the instructor within this 48-hour period forfeit the right to a makeup exam.
At the instructor’s discretion, a makeup exam may differ significantly (in form and/or content) from a regularly scheduled exam.
Times and location for writing Make-Up Exams are shown below.
Students must show up at the beginning of the Make-Up Exam session to start the test and students arriving more than 10 minutes after the start time WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WRITE THE EXAM. Except in extenuating circumstances (approved documentation), a makeup test/exam must be written within 2 weeks of the missed test/exam during exam make-up hours provided by the department.
If a student cannot write their final exam on the date assigned by the Registrar’s Office, he/she needs to apply for a deferred exam. Under no circumstances will this be accommodated by the department.
Monday: 1:00pm - 2:30pm AD 155A
Tuesday: 3:00pm - 4:30pm AD 051/053
Wednesday: 3:00pm - 4:30pm AD 155A
Thursday: 10:00am - 11:30pm AD 155A and 1:00pm-2:30pm AD 155A
Friday: 10:00am - 11:30am AD 155A