Joshua Bourdage and his co-researchers, doctoral student Jocelyn Wiltshire and professor Kibeom Lee say identifying manipulative, dishonest co-workers can be challenging and complex according to their recent paper published online by the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Research in Industrial / Organizational Psychology

in the Department of Psychology

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Industrial-Organizational Psychology is concerned with individual behaviour, the behaviour of groups and the relationships of organization-wide variables to individuals and groups in work settings. Research includes: job analysis and evaluation, selection, training and performance appraisal of personnel, the structure and context of organizations, organizational culture, organizational change, career development, motivation, job satisfaction, and team dynamics.

For more information, please visit

Dr. Jeff Caird

Cognitive Ergonomics Research Laboratory
Healthcare Human Factors and Simulation Laboratory


Dr. Derek Chapman

Recruitment and Selection Lab


Dr. Ho Kwan Cheung

Dr. Ho Kwan Cheung (Ph.D. in Psychology from George Mason University, 2018) specializes in workplace discrimination and equity, diversity, & inclusion (EDI) issues, with a special focus on gender and family. She also has a broad interest in experiences for all marginalized employees (e.g., refugees, LGBTQ+). 

Gender Issues Research Lab (GIRL)


Dr. Kibeom Lee


Dr. Adam Murry

Adam Thomas Murry is an associate professor of psychology and affiliate of the industrial-organizational psychology program at the University of Calgary. He runs the Indigenous Organizations' and Communities' Research lab, teaches courses in qualitative methods, Indigenous psychology, and Indigenous research methods, and co-chairs the Indigenous Strategy's (ii'taa'poh'to'p) working circle on faculty and staff experiences. His applied mixed-method research focuses on partnering with Indigenous owned or operated organizations, agencies, and programs, specifically around employment, education, and health.
