Dr. Daniel McGrath
Associate Professor
Senior Research Fellow
Alberta Gambling Research Institute
Associate Dean
University of Calgary
Full Member
Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Contact information
Educational Background
Bachelor of Arts Psychology, Mount Allison University, 2003
Bachelor of Busniness Administration Marketing, Cape Breton University, 2001
Business Technology Marketing, New Brunswick Community Colleges, 1999
Doctor of Philosophy Psychology, Dalhousie University, 2013
Master of Science - Masters Marketing and Consumer Studies, University of Guelph, 2006
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
PSYC 305 | History of Psychological Thought |
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2014
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ontario Mental Health Foundation. 2016
- Finalist for Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2013
- Finalist for the 2013 Dalhousie University Doctoral Dissertation Award for Best Thesis in the Natural and Medical Sciences and Engineering, Dalhousie University. 2013
- Nominated for the 2014 J.E.A. Crake Teaching Award in recognition of teaching excellence within the Faculty of Science, Mount Allison University. 2013
- Dalhousie Graduate Scholarship, Dalhousie University. 2011
- Doctorate Fellowship, Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre. 2011
- Doctorate Fellowship, 2008
- Doctorate Student Research Award, Nova Scotia Gaming Foundation. 2008
- Doctorate Student Research Award, 2007
- Doctorate Student Research Award, Nova Scotia Gaming Foundation. 2008
- Tibor I. Barsony Award, 2005
- Attentional bias in non-smoking e-cigarette users: An eye-tracking study.. Fitzpatrick, C., Kim, H.S., Sears, C.R., & McGrath, D.S.. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. (2022)
- Gender differences in people seeking treatment for gambling disorder with a comorbid eating disorder: A preliminary study.. Sharif-Razi, M., Kim, H.S., von Ranson, K., Hodgins, D.C., McGrath, D.S., & Tavares, H.. (2022)
- The effect of alcohol cue exposure on tobacco-related cue reactivity: A systematic review of experimental studies.. Ritchie, E.V., Fitzpatrick, C., Ronksley, P.E., Leung, A.A., Seidel, S. & McGrath, D.S.. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 104-112, doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agab009. (2022)
- An experiment of the perceived efficacy of fear-based messages in online roulette.. Mutti-Packer, S., Kim, H.S., McGrath, D. S., Ritchie, E.V., Wohl, M.J.A., Rockloff, M., & Hodgins, D. C.. doi: 10.1080/14459795.2022.2038655. (2022)
- Gambling in Canada during the COVID-19 lockdown: Prospective national survey.. Shaw, C. A., Hodgins, D. C., Williams, R. J., Belanger, Y. D., Christensen, D. R., el-Guebaly, N., McGrath, D. S., Nicoll, F., Smith, G.J., & Stevens, R. M. G.. Journal of Gambling Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10899-021-10073-8. (2021)
- Responsible gambling in Canada: An analysis of the RG Check Patron surveys.. Christensen, D. R., Nicoll, F., Williams, R. J., Leonard, C. A., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D. C., McGrath, D., Smith, G., Belanger, Y. D., & Stevens, R. M. G.. Journal of Gambling Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10899-021-10052-z. (2021)
- A systematic review of addiction substitution in recovery: Clinical lore or empirical basis?. Kim, H.S., Hodgins, D.C., Garcia, X., Ritchie, E.V., Musani, I., McGrath, D.S., & von Ranson. Clinical Psychology Review. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2021.102083. (2021)
- Offering tangible rewards on social casino games leads to a greater number of bets and higher bet-sizes.. Kim, H.S., H.S., Rockloff, M., Leslie, D., McGrath, D.S., Wohl, M.J.A., & Hodgins, D.C.. Addictive Behaviors. 121, 106984. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2021.106984. (2021)
- Materialism and drinking motives: Examining the longitudinal associations in an undergraduate sample. Malik, I., Toombs, E., Mushquash, A.R., McGrath, D.S., & Mushquash, C.J.. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research. 26(2), 157-164.. (2021)
- Indigenous gambling and problem gambling in Canada.. Williams, R. J., Belanger, Y. D., Leonard, C. A., Stevens, R.M.G., Christensen, D. R., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D. C., & McGrath, D. S.. Journal of Gambling Issues. doi: 10.1007/s10899-021-10022-5. (2021)
- Gambling-related psychological predictors and moderators of attentional bias among electronic gaming machine players. Kim, H.S., Sears, C.R., Hodgins, D.C., Ritchie, E.V., Kowatch, K.R., & McGrath, D.S.. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. doi: 10.1037/adb0000716. (2021)
- Predictors of gambling and problem gambling in Canada. Williams, R.J., Leonard, C.A., Belanger, Y.D., Christensen, D.R., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D.C., McGrath, D.S., Nicoll, F., Smith, G.J., & Stevens, R.M.G. Canadian Journal of Public Health. doi: 10.17269/s41997-020-00443-x. (2021)
- Gambling fallacies: Predicting problem gambling in a nationally representative sample. Leonard, C.A., Williams, R.J., & McGrath, D.S.. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. doi: 10.1037/adb0000673. (2021)
- Gambling and problem gambling in Canada in 2018: Prevalence and changes since 2002. Williams, R. J., Leonard, C. A., Belanger, Y. D., Christensen, D. R., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D. C., McGrath, D. S., Nicoll, F., & Stevens, R. M. G.. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. doi: 10.1177/0706743720980080. (2020)
- Motives for playing social casino games and the transition from gaming to gambling (or vice versa): Social casino game play as harm reduction?. Hollingshead, S., Kim, H.S., Rockloff, M., McGrath, D.S., Hodgins, D.C., & Wohl, M.J.A. Journal of Gambling Issues. doi:10.4309/jgi.2021.46.4. (2020)
- Similar motives? The relationship between reasons for drinking and gambling in a population sample. Thomas, J, McGrath, D.S., & Dechant, K.. International Gambling Studies. doi:10.1080/14459795.2020.1746378. (2020)
- Gambling disorder and comorbid behavioral addictions: Demographic, clinical, and personality correlates. Tang, K.T.Y, Kim, H.S., Hodgins, D.C., McGrath, D.S., & Tavares, H.. Psychiatry Research. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112763.. (2020)
- High rollers: Correlates of problematic cocaine use among a community sample of gamblers. Ethier, A.R., Kim, H.S., Hodgins, D.C., & McGrath, D.S.. Journal of Gambling Studies. 36, 513-525. doi: 10.1007/s10899-020-09943-4. (2020)
- Marijuana use in undergraduate students: The short-term relationship between motives and frequency of use. Marshall, N., Mushquash, A., Mushquash, C, Mazmanian, D, & McGrath, D.S.. Journal of Substance Use. doi: 10.1080/14659891.2019.1683906. (2019)
- Obsessive compulsive or addiction? Categorical diagnostic analyses of excoriation disorder compared to obsessive compulsive disorder and gambling disorder. Batista de Oliveria, E.C., *Fitzpatrick, C.L., Kim, H.S., Ribeiro Gulassa, D.C., Amaral, R., Nicoli de Mattors, C., Hayaschiuchi, A., McGrath, D., & Tavares, H.. Psychiatry Research. 281. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2019.112518. (2019)
- Which came first? Exploring the reciprocal relations between impulsivity and binge eating. Mushquash, A., McGeowen, L., Mushquash, C, & McGrath, D.S.. Personality and Individual Differences. 151. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2019.109538. (2019)
- Structural or disposition? An experimental investigation of the effects of inflated pay-out rates on social casino gambles (and impulsivity) on gambling behaviors. Kim, H.S., Rockloff, M., McGrath, D.S., Wohl, M.J.A., & Hodgins, D.C.. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 8(3), 479-488. doi: 10.1556/2006.8.2019.48. (2019)
- Demographic and psychiatric correlates of compulsive sexual behaviours in gambling disorder. Cowie, M.E., Kim, H.S., Hodgins, D.C., McGrath, D.S., Scanavino, M., & Tavares, H.. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 8(3), 451-462. doi: 10.1556/2006.8.2019.35. (2019)
- Gambling-related cognitive distortions mediate the relationship between depression and problem gambling severity. Schluter, M.G., Kim, H.S., Poole, J.C., Hodgins, D.C., McGrath, D.S., Dobson, K.S., & Tavares, H.. Addictive Behaviors. 318-323. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.11.038. (2019)
- Retrospective and prospective assessments of gambling-related behaviors across the female menstrual cycle. Joyce, K. M., Hudson, A., O’Connor, R., Goldstein, A., Ellery, M., McGrath, D., Perrot, T., & Stewart, S. H.. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 11, 1-11, doi:10.1556/2006.7.2018.133. (2019)
- The dishonest gambler: Low HEXACO honesty-humility and gambling severity in a community sample of gamblers. Kim, H.S., Rash, C.L, & McGrath, D.S.. Personality and Mental Health. 12(4), 355-364. doi: 10.1002/pmh.1433. (2018)
- Demographic, psychiatric, and personality correlates of adults seeking treatment for disordered gambling with comorbid binge/purge type eating disorder. Kim, H.S., Hodgins, D.C., von Ranson, K., McGrath, D.S, & Tavares, H.. European Eating Disorders Review. 26(5), 508-518. doi: 10.1002/erv.2606. (2018)
- Who are the anonymous? Motivations, involvement and predictors of gamblers anonymous attendance among disordered gamblers presenting for treatment. McGrath, D.S., Kim, H.S., Novitsky, C., Hodgins, D.C., & Tavares, H.. Journal of Gambling Studies. 34(4), 1423-1434. doi: 10.1007/s10899-018-9774-y.. (2018)
- Associations between the HEXACO model of personality and gambling involvement, motivations to gamble, and gambling severity in young adult gamblers. McGrath, D. S., Neilson, T., Lee, K., Rash, C. L., & Rad, M.. Journal of Behavioral Addictions,. 1-9. doi:10.1556/2006.7.2018.29. (2018)
- Betting to deal: Coping motives mediate the relationship between urgency and problem gambling severity. Kim, H.S., Poole, J.C., Hodgins, D.C., McGrath, D.S., & Dobson, K.S.. Addiction Research & Theory. doi:10.1080/16066359.2018.1455188.. (2019)
- The specificity of attentional biases by type of gambling: An eye-tracking study. McGrath, D.S., Meitner, A., & Sears, C.R.. PlosOne. 13(1):e0190614. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0190614. (2018)
- Co-morbid addictive behaviors in disordered gamblers with psychosis.. Kim, H.S., Cassetta, B.D., Hodgins, D.C., McGrath, D.S., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., & Tavares, H.. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. 40, 441-443. doi: 10.1590/1516-4446-2017-2307. (2018)
- Disordered gambling and psychosis: Prevalence and clinical correlates.. Cassetta, B.D., Kim, H.S., Hodgins, D.C., McGrath, D.S., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., & Tavares, H.. Schizophrenia Research. 192, 463-464. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2017.04.006. (2018)
- Comparing undergraduate and community-recruited adult non-gamblers’ motives for not gambling: Do they differ?. Rash, C.L., Kim, H.S., Hodgins, D.C., & McGrath, D.S.. Addictive Behaviors. 74, 41-44. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.07.026.. (2018)
- The categorical stability of gambling motives among community-recruited gamblers: A longitudinal assessment.. McGrath, D.S., & Konkolÿ Thege. Journal of Gambling Studies. 34(1), 21-38. doi: 10.1007/s10899-017-9687-1. (2018)
- Assessing the relationship between disordered gamblers with psychosis and increased gambling severity: The mediating role of impulsivity.. Kim, H.S., Cassetta, B.D., Hodgins, D.C., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., McGrath, D.S., & Tavares, H.. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 63(6), 370-377. doi:10.1177/0706743717730825. (2018)
- Assessing the role of impulsivity in smoking and non-smoking disordered gamblers.. Boothby, C.A., Kim, H.S., Romanow, N.K., Hodgins, D.C., & McGrath, D.S.. Addictive Behaviors. 70, 35-41, doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.02.002. (2017)
- Self-generated motives for not gambling among young adult non-gamblers.. Rash, C.L., & McGrath, D.S.. Journal of Gambling Studies. 33, 825-839 doi: 10.1007/s10899-016-9656-0. (2017)
- Patterns and motives for electronic cigarette use in a sample of community-recruited gamblers.. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 16(2), 276-283 doi: 10.1007/s11469-016-9722-y. (2017)
- The Gambling Motives Questionnaire Financial: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and relationships with gambling behaviour.. Schellenberg, B.J.I., McGrath, D.S., & Dechant, K.. International Gambling Studies. 16, 1-16, doi:10.1080/14459795.2015.1088559. (2016)
- The influence of smoke-free policies on gambling revenues and intentions to gamble: A review of the literature.. McGrath, D. S.. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 6(2), 78-86. (2015)
- Acute effects of nicotine on alcohol cue-reactivity in nondependent and dependent smokers.. McGrath, D. S., Peloquin, M.P., *Ferdinand, J.C., & Barrett, S.P.. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 23(1), 29-36. (2015)
- Alcohol and tobacco cue effects on craving in non-daily smokers.. Peloquin, M.P., McGrath, D. S., Telbis, D., & Barrett, S.P.. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 22(6), 502-510. (2014)
- The influence of acutely administered nicotine on cue-induced craving for gambling in at-risk video lottery terminal (VLT) gamblers who smoke.. McGrath, D. S, Dorbeck, A., & Barrett, S.P.. Behavioural Pharmacology. 24(2), 124-132. (2013)
- The effects of acute doses of nicotine on Video Lottery Terminal gambling in smokers.. McGrath, D. S., Barrett, S.P., Stewart, S.H., & Schmid, E.A.. Psychopharmacology. 220, 155-161. (2012)
- Reciprocal relations between self-critical perfectionism and depressive symptoms: Evidence from a short-term, four-wave longitudinal study.. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 44(3), 169-181. (2012)
- A comparison of gambling behaviour, problem gambling indices, and reasons for gambling among smokers and non-smokers who gamble: Evidence from a provincial gambling prevalence study.. McGrath, D. S, Barrett, S.P., Stewart, S. H. & McGrath, P.R.. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 14(7), 833-839. (2012)
- Alcohol and tobacco co- use in non-daily smokers: An inevitable phenomenon?. Campbell, M., Bozec, L.J., McGrath, D., & Barrett, S.P.. Drug and Alcohol Review. 31, 447-450. (2012)
- The influence of intrinsic and extrinsic job values on turnover intention among continuing care assistants in Nova Scotia.. Dill, D.M., Keefe, J.M., & McGrath, D.S.. Home Health Care Services Quarterly. 31, 111-129. (2012)
- Polytobacco use in non-daily smokers: An issue requiring greater attention.. McGrath, D. S, Temporale, K.L., Bozec, L.J., & Barrett, S.P.. Preventive Medicine. 53, 353-354. (2011)
- Reformulating and testing the perfectionism model of binge eating: A short-term, four-wave longitudinal study.. Mackinnon, S.P., Sherry, S.B., Graham, A.R., Stewart, S.H., Sherry, D.L., Allen, S.L., Fitzpatrick, S., & McGrath, D.S.. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 58, 630-646. (2011)
- The existential model of perfectionism and depressive symptoms: A short-term, four-wave longitudinal study.. Graham, A. R., Sherry, S. B., Stewart, S. H., Sherry, D. L., McGrath, D. S., Fossum, K. M., & Allen, S. L.. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 57, 423-438. (2010)
- Self-generated motives for gambling in two population-based samples of gamblers.. McGrath, D. S., Stewart, S. H., Klein, R.M., & Barrett, S.P.. International Gambling Studies. 10, 117-138. (2010)
- The co-morbidity of tobacco smoking and gambling: A review of the literature.. McGrath, D. S. & Barrett, S.P.. Drug and Alcohol Review. 28, 676–681. (2009)
- Tobacco Dependence. S Hofmann; S Stewart; Judit Smits. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.. 1299-1314. (2014)
- Co-Morbid Smoking and Gambling: The Influence of Nicotine and Tobacco Administration on Gambling Disorder. V. R. Preedy; E. V. Ritchie; Daniel . McGrath; D. C. Hodgins. Elsevier. 20-Oct. (2019)
In the News
- A Problematic Escape: The Interaction Between Smoking and Gambling. The Brief Addiction Science Information Resource (BASIS). (2017)
More Information
I am interested in applications from prospective graduate students in the psychology program (not clinical psychology). My research focus is primarily behavioral finance (e.g., cryptocurrency, financial speculation, trading, investing), personality (e.g., HEXACO) and behavioral addictions (e.g., disordered gambling, gaming).
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