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Benjamin Moon

Pronouns: He/Him


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I am a 3rd year PhD Candidate at the University of Calgary, supervised by Dr. Joshua Bourdage. My main research area pertains to workplace impression management, which are behaviours that individuals use to convey positive impressions of themselves to others at work. For instance, my dissertation investigates impression management as a multilevel construct in work teams. Additionally, I explore the role of employee personality in shaping work attitudes, behaviours and other outcomes. My research uses a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, with a particular emphasis on meta-analysis and review papers. 

Over the next while, I will be applying for tenure-track professor jobs that have start dates in the Summer/Fall 2025. 


Published Manuscripts

Moon, B., Daljeet, K. N., O’Neill, T. A., Harwood, H., Awad, W., & Beletski, L. V. (Accepted). Comparing the Efficacy of Faking Warning Types in Pre-Employment Personality Tests: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology. ABDC Ranking: A*  

Moon, B., Law, S.J., Bourdage, J.S., Roulin, N., & Melchers, K.G. (2024). The Role of Interviewee Cognitive Capacities, Personality, and Perceived Incongruency on Impression Management in Face-To-Face and Virtual Interviews. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 32, 261-278. ABDC Ranking = A

Moon, B., Daljeet, K.N., Bourdage, J.S., & Roulin, N. (In Press). Impression Management Profiles in Job Interviews: Relations with Applicant Individual Differences and Interview Outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology. ABDC Ranking = A

Daljeet, K. N., Moon, B., & Goffin, R. D. (2024). Individual Differences in Preferences for Social-comparative Performance Ratings. Current Psychology, 43, 6876-6889.

Moon, B., Lee, N. M. H., & Bourdage, J. S. (2022). Personalized and socialized need for power: Distinct relations to employee traits and behaviors. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 54(1), 28-39.


Manuscripts Under Review

Feeney, J. R., Daljeet, K. N., Moon, B., Goffin, R. D., Factor, R., & Doyle, K. (1st round revise and resubmit). [Title redacted to preserve blind review]. Submitted to Human Performance. ABDC Ranking: A 

Moon, B. (Under review). [Title redacted to preserve blind review]. Submitted to Applied Psychology: An International Review. ABDC Ranking: A 

Moon, B., Bourdage, J. S., & Roulin, N. (Under review). [Title redacted to preserve blind review]. Submitted to the Journal of Business and Psychology. ABDC Ranking: A

Note. ABDC Ranking refers to the Australian Business Dean Council’s Journal Quality Ranking.