Psychology News

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In the News: Andrew Szeto, Psychology, in Gauntlet

Looking back on Movember: Stigma and men’s mental health

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In the News: Thomas O’Neill, Psychology, in University Affairs

As staff expectations around work evolve, universities test out how to adapt

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In the News: Michael Antle, Psychology, in Western Standard

Local sleep expert says our bodies will be in their ‘happy place’ as DST ends

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In the News: Sheri Madigan, Psychology, in Healthline

How the Quantity and Quality of Screen Time Can Affect Children’s Language Skills

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In the News: Andrew Szeto, Psychology, in CTV News

U of C students create art that brings mental health issues to light

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In the News: Michael Antle, Psychology, in Toronto Star

Was Alberta right to say ‘no’ to permanent daylight-saving time? Some experts say yes — and that other provinces are making the wrong choice

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