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In the News: David Hodgins, Psychology, in 660 News

Could positive reinforcement help lead us out of pandemic?

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Not “Fresh off the Boat”: An EDI Committee Blog Post Series - Topic 1: Asian Solidarity

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In the News: Sheri Madigan, Psychology, in Yahoo news

Mental health problems likely to outlast pandemic

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In the News: Sheri Madigan, Psychology, in City News

How will babies born during the pandemic meet the world?

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In the News: Nicole Racine, Psychology, in CBC

The pandemic & the mental-health burdens borne by youth

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Not “Fresh off the Boat”: An EDI Committee Blog Post Series

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In the News: Penny Pexman, Psychology, in Design TAXI

How ‘Spiky’ Or ‘Round’ Your Name Sounds Might Affect How People Judge You

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In the News: Penny Pexman, Psychology, in BBC Future

What the sound of your name says about you

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